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MacPlastic mergetool advice needed. I'm a newby.


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Preface: I have only been using Plastic SCM for about a month, I am still a novice user.


I am using macplastic on OSX and am unable to manually process merge conflicts. I have macplastic set up to use XCode's FileMerge tool for diff and merge tool. When I need to process a manual merge, FileMerge does not seem to accomplish the task. My current merge attempt finds 3 conflicts and 10 auto merges. When I click "process all changes", FileMerge opens so I can manually process the changes, which I do and then save the merge. Where do I go from here? How do I move on to the next conflict? I am left with "Merging file 1 of 3" in MacPlastic no matter what I do.


Also, is there a better merge tool to use? FileMerge seems a bit unintuitive. I would like to use XMerge but it seems that it only supports the X11 client and does not support Objective-C. I tried kDif3 but was unable to get setup properly within macplastic and was greeted with errors when trying to use it. 


Thanks in advance for any advice/links.  

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This is the configuration (in case do don´t have it properly configured):


For mergetool:
 * /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/FileMerge.app/Contents/MacOS/FileMerge -left @sourcefile -right @destinationfile -ancestor @basefile -merge @output
For difftool (both are possible):
  *  opendiff @sourcefile @destinationfile
  * /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/FileMerge.app/Contents/MacOS/FileMerge -left @sourcefile -right @destinationfile


* kdiff3 merge: /Applications/kdiff3.app/Contents/MacOS/kdiff3 -b "@basefile" "@sourcefile" "@destinationfile" -o "@output"

* kdiff3 diff: /Applications/kdiff3.app/Contents/MacOS/kdiff3 "@sourcefile" "@destinationfile"


Actually, you can configure your favourite merge tool. Our XMerge tool, I´m afarid that it´s not still ready for Mac. 




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