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Reset user password

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Hi all, 


I'd to know how can I reset a user's password form the server. To be more clear, our server is set in UPWorkingMode and a user forgot his password. I thought I could reset the password by using umtool changeuserpassword but changeuserpassword requires the old password. How can I reset the password without having the old one?



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Ouch. Ok we are going to implement "umtool" to be able to fully reset it.



Workaround. Set up a local server, copy the users.conf file from the production server directory to your local server directory, run "umtoolgui" and change the password. Copy then the users.conf file back to the central server.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hey! now the umtool is able to reset passwords too!

Server: The umtool's changeuserpassword command syntax has been modified modified. The new syntax is umtool changeuserpassword username newpassword newpassword

Now, to reset a user password on the UP configuration mode is not necesary to provide the old user password, since the command is executed by an admin user. However, you will need to repeat the new password in the command arguments.

The changeuserpassword has changed its alias to passwd.

Finally, the command can now be run in interactive mode if you don't provide any arguments.
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