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Git Sync fail to push branch to GIT repo


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Hi everyone, I was able to sync my plastic repo with a GIT repo, I was able to update it, but when I added a new branch and tried to sync, I received an error "There was a problem unpacking: index-pack abnormal exit"


I don't know if I'm missing a step or something similar, thank you in advance for your help.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi! Sorry for the slow answer.


It's the first time I see that error :S Can we somehow access to the repository you are trying to push (do you have any problem sharing the data repo with us (and only with us, email instead the forum)? Can you tell us something about the Git destination server? Is it github?bitbucket? a local one? 


I would need:


1) Plastic SCM version. (if it's not the latest one try again with the latest since we did some changes in the gitsync)

2) Client and server logs, the server is already created so please post the "plastic.log.conf" file. Fot the GUI one (plastic.log.conf) read this: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/technical-articles/kb-enabling-logging-for-plastic-scm-part-i.html. I'm attaching you a "plastic.log.conf" that will write the output at: "c:\tmp\plastic.log.txt" you can change it if you want by editing the conf file. plastic.log.zip





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