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Accessing Workspace from multiple computers


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Hello, we have developers that work on a physical computer but can also log in from home into a VM (virtual machine) and work on projects.  Each developer has a mapped network drive (U:) that they can access from their physical and VM.  We're trying to figure out if it makes sense to have their workspaces on their U: drives so they can access it from both computers without needing to checkin/checkout.  I've done some testing and it appears to work fine but I wanted to see if there were some bad things that could happen that I'm not aware of.  This is what I did:


On my physical machine

  1. Created a workspace on my and pointed the workspace to U:\myproject\.  This created the .plastic folder with its associated files for the workspace.
  2. Moved to the latest changeset which downloaded the latest code.
  3. Opened the code and made a change, saved the file and closed the project, but did not check the file in.


On my VM

  1. Logged into my VM and created a workspace pointing it to U:\myproject.
  2. Opened the branch explorer and noticed it had me on the correct changeset and even showed the "pending" changeset.
  3. Opened the code and made a couple more changes.  Then checked in the code into Plastic. Closed the project.


Back on my Physical

  1. Refreshed branch explorer and saw that I was now on the latest checked in changeset, so everything looked correct.


As I said, it appears everything is working correctly and I think I understand that is happening because the files in the .plastic folder are keeping everything in sync.  Because the files already existed in the folder when I added the workspace on my VM it got the same workspace GUID as the physical machine.  But, I am still worried that something could cause them to get out of sync and we might lose changes.


Are there any issues I should be concerned about with this scenario?




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Hi Steve!


go ahead! I don't foresee problems with the setup. This is how actually some developers are working with Gluon and MacOS.


Since MacOS is not supported for Gluon yet, they use a Windows VM reusing the MacOS workspaces through shared directories. Similar to your setup.

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