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Server Configuration with encryption

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Hello - 
I have a PlasticSCMServer running on my mac with OS X 10.11.3(Yosemite).

I also have a cloud repo at fusion tech@cloud. In the initial setup of the cloud server, i set it up to use encryption. So, when i try to push a commit from my local server(which is not configured for encryption), i get the following error :

An error occurred during the replica: The server 'fusiontech@cloud' requires encryption, but this server is not configured to use encryption. Please configure the encryption for this server.

I am using the command line tool “clconfigureserver” to configure my local server, and i have not yet seen a way to configure that server to use encryption. Is it possible to do that? If not, how can i configure my cloud server to not use encryption. Or, is there another way to resolve this issue?

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The Plastic SCM server is prepared to use encryption but only if you use the repserver owner user, which by default it's "ALL_USERS"/Nobody. Change it to yourself and retry the push/pull operation.


use the "cm whoami" command to get your current user name: 

C:\Users\manu>cm whoami

Change the resserver owner by using the "cm setowner" command:

cm setowner -user=manu repserver:localhost:8087

For the examples above I'm using the "manu" user and my local server "localhost:8087" change it to fit your case.

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