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Baselines/labels and other stuff?


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I fear there maybe a few of these posts as I try to get to grips with things in an attempt to avoid any cock-ups!

Ok, so from the beginning, I have just imported a test project into PSCM4 and thus have a branch /main in my repository so far so good LOL!

So lets assume I want to make a change to my software where do I start using a best practice approach, I assume I would create a child branch, and this is where my questions kick in: -

  1. What constitutes a branch, should I create a branch for each task, or a set of tasks?
  2. Does each developer create their own branch?
  3. When creating the branch I am asked to select a label or changeset could somebody provide a real world description of what these are, where do they come from?

I've looked for some documentation revolving around this type of thing but can't seem to find anything, any links if I have missed something would be great.

Thanks in advance


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Hello AndyBrew!

please read the following articles and if you are still having questions please ask me again, I'll be happy to help you in this basic concepts, they are basic but very important! due to they will became in your daily basics!

Branch per task development:


Integration strategies:




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