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Plastic Success


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We spend a lot of time on these forums talking about problems we are facing and issues we are having and things like that. That's good, and it gets right to the heart of the purpose for these forums, but I did want to take a minute and just say publicly that Plastic is a wonderful product, and I'm so happy I found this.

My little success story is short and sweet, but I figured I'd share it. I work for a very tiny part of a fairly small organization that produces software for the rest of the business to use. Our team consists of only a few people. Because we're so small there's usually very little acceptance to be found to alter our business processes. After all, we're not building NASA quality stuff here, and it's worked in the past.

Plastic was so easy to install, easy to manage, and most importantly easy to use, I got complete acceptance from everyone on the team the day after it was installed. No one had a real issue with the way things were before (except me), but everyone agreed this is a fantastic product and a pleasure to work with. It's even got us in the beginning stages of branch-per-task methodology and a whole bunch of other workflow upgrades.

As our team is such a small part of the company at large, clearly we utilize outside companies to provide solutions quite a bit. Most of the time some part of my unit is directly interfacing with these companies and these products to provide the business solution. As we are so small, we are only on the community edition of Plastic, but Plastic has provided better support to us than many (if not most) of our vendors who we pay significant amounts of money to.

I hope someone takes a look at this post who is thinking about Plastic and decides to give it a try. I'm glad I did, and I know many of the users on these forums are glad they did as well, and willing to help out anyone else who's thinking about doing so.

Happy Holiday to the Plastic team, and thanks again!

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I agree with all the points above! I'm really glad we settled on Plastic as our new CM tool of choice (actually I was the one that researched and picked Plastic as our CM tool going forward). At this point I THINK most of the team has buy-in, at least the level of grumbling seems to have settled to a dull roar. :) We did have some early wrinkles getting Plastic and Enterprise Architect (UML tool) to play nice together, but finally got it worked out, that helped a lot.

I'd like to echo Gorilla's sentiment on the interactivity and support from Codice via this forum, as well as direct support. Usually one of the first things I do when I get to work is check out the new posts here.

And Manu, does that beer offer apply to anyone else too? :D


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