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Odd Check-in question


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This is sort of an odd question, and I don't want to waste a lot of space with needless details. Essentially what I need to do is tell plastic to check in a file, which is in a repository, but from a folder which is not a part of the workspace. A file is being update on an automation server, and I need to track the file as its updated and I'm kind of grasping at straws.

Is it possible? Any thoughts on how to handle it?

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Essentially what I need to do is tell plastic to check in a file, which is in a repository, but from a folder which is not a part of the workspace.

Is it possible? Any thoughts on how to handle it?

You can use the full file path to invoke the ci, for example, my working path is "c:\Users\manu", byt my workspace is at "C:\tmp\fefi", I can ci the "AssemblyInfo.cs" file by doing the following.

C:\Users\manu>cm ci C:\tmp\fefi\test\cmtest\AssemblyInfo.cs
The selected items are about to be checked in. Please wait ...
Assembling checkin data
Validating checkin data
Uploading file data
Uploaded 11 bytes of 11 bytes (100%)
Confirming checkin operation
Modified c:\tmp\fefi\test\cmtest\AssemblyInfo.cs
Created changeset cs:7748@br:/main@rep:OriginPnunit@repserver:TIZONA:8084

I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for :S


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Is "C:\tmp\fefi" a plastic workspace? In my case let's just say that c:\workspaces\myproject is the actual workspace where the code is bullt from; then after some testing and other automated stuff is done files are copied to C:\updates\myproject (by scripts) and one of the files is updated. But c:\updates\myproject is not a plastic workspace; so am I correct in thinking I need to get it back to c:\workspaces\myproject somehow before I can do a check in?

Is there anyway to do check-in from this "remote" location?

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