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Coming from sourcesafe


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I'm trying to migrate from sourcesafe where i have my projects organised als folders like;




I was under the impression that I could simply create a single repository and have a workspace for each project directory. But when I create two workspaces pointing to project1 and project2 directories, only the first project checks in like expected.

When I try to add files & commit the second project it's merged into the first one (I even see a directory for project2 popping up in project1's directory).

What am I doing wrong?


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If you want the two projects completely separated from each other, then you should create two repositories, and two workspaces. There might be some more sophisticated ways to isolate parts of repositories from each other (someone from Codice can jump in on that), but in my experience separating them into separate repositories is much simpler and make tracking changes to the individual projects a lot easier as well.

Is there a specific reason you wanted to keep them all in a single repo?

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We'll quite simple, I have soem types of projects, Delphi project, C# projects and Dotnet Libraries (and ancient stuff). I would like to keep those in separate repositories with in each repository a workspace per project (as described). If I read the description of a workspace, it's a collection of files that are versioned, So in my (maybe naive) opion this means i can create a independend workspace for each directory containing for instance a delphi or c# project.

It seems to work until i try checkin and I get a message that plastic want to merge (as the directories/projects are not overlapping I have no clue why it wants to do this and why it merges the physical directories too).


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If your code is inside the same repository what is happening to you is completely normal. You are creating a new changeset using the first workspace so the second workspace gets out of date.

I think you need to split your repository into into smaller repositories and then create one workspace for each repository.

If you want to work with all your repositories at the same time you can use Xlinks to join them.

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I started experimenting (with v3 because of the vss importer) and found that I can create additional workspaces for individual project directories if outside the default workspace. This might be close to what need, leaving me with the problem of hwo to get my vss history in this format.


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In PlasticSCM you can create workspaces from a subpath of the root repository directory but you will face the same "merge need" less than in 4.0, only if you touch the same files from both workspaces if not the update operation will do the job.

But, in PlasticSCM 4 every change in a commit will generate a new changeset and it will ask you for an "update-merge" operation. Take a look into this blogpost: http://codicesoftware.blogspot.com/2012/02/working-on-single-branch-update-merge.html

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I read the blogpost but still do not get the picture of how it works (for me it just works counter-intuitive).

What I found very confusing is that one such (subdir) workspace gets physically copied into the other.

What your saying is that, if I commit a file inside a subdir workspace, PlasticSCM wil generate a changeset too for the underlying repository, which causes a merge dialog to popup?


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