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VS2010 Integration - problem with Solution binding (check-in/Update not working)


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We use PlasticSCM 4.0 build 22

We have problem with some solutions - they are binded (Change SourceControl says binded to all projects and the solution, we have tried to unbind and bind again and it doesn't fixed the issue), and check in on single file or project works as expected. However check-in on the solution shows New Workspace form and if you choose the folder it gives error that workspace is already availabe on this page. Update to Latest on the solution does nothing. We have solution folders in the project (I read that plasticscm integration has problems with them), but our solution is very big, and we cannot get rid of them. Also some solutions works fine, although they have solution folders, and other solution without solution folders has the problem.


Tsonko Tsonev - Validata.

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Hi again, I'll check now.

Meanwhile I have two more fast questions. First is how do I call forced update using the console cm command? And the second is - View History as 2D revision tree crashes the PlasticSCM client - is this a known issue in build 22 ?

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The old update force option is gone, forget about it. The option was "--forced".

Wow!! I didn't know it was causing a GUI crash, it should be working!!! Can you please enable the Plastic GUI log and send it to us? The log config file is called "plastic.log.conf" you can download it and learn how to use it here: http://www.plasticscm.com/infocenter/technical-articles/kb-enabling-logging-for-plastic-scm-part-i.aspx

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Why is it gone? I need to make script for build automation, which should extract the latest workspace and then build the solution, but as some dll's are under source control and even if i add them as Hidden change list, the update doesn't update them and some other files, but Forced Update does the trick, I need to execute it from the script.

About the crash - I'll enable the log later, but for now I can send you this error:




Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{6D5140C1-7436-11CE-8034-00AA006009FA}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).




I receive this if I execute View History as 2D tree from Visual Studio, If I execute it from the stand-alone client it just crashes after message Calculating branch explorer layout.

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We have fixed a issue with a similar behavior, I'll confirm it with the log. You can send it to me later, no problem.

Regarding the --forced, it's really hard find a case where it's really needed. Why don't you can use a regular update operation? The --forced is basically as if you remove all the files and directories inside your workspace and then "cm update ."

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I found the bugger, there was a file added outside of the workspace, but when you have thousands of files it's hard to find it, maybe if Plastic listed the files outside of the Workspace it would be nice feature. What about the View History as 2D revision tree problem ?

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