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Branch exporer not showing issue tracker labels


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I have a problem displaying my YouTracker issue tracker titles in the new Plastic 4 branch explorer (using my own YouTrack extension hack).

In Plastic 3, the titles appeared under the branch name. In the new explorer there is a colon after the branch name followed by the issue title, however only the first few characters show up:


If the issue is viewed in the issue tracker side panel, the title shows correctly:


Apparently something changed in the new branch explorer.

I noticed that when "Display branch's task info" is clicked on and off, the colon plus the first few chars are removed (as expected), and reappears when the checkbox is clicked again. However, I also noticed that the label box containing the branch name does not scale up to accommodate the extra characters needed to show the full ticked title.

Is this a bug in the branch explorer or could it be a bug in my reversed engineered extension plugin?

I find it hard to spot something to change in the plugin. It just returns an array of PlasticTask objects populated with info obtained from YouTrack and that task object seems to display nicely in the side panel.

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