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Posts posted by manu

  1. Thank you for the info. Yes, the -QUIT doesn't force the real kill (kill -9), only the stacktraces dump.


    I'll try to reproduce your behavior, are you running the command from a regular Terminal (v2.3) window? can you tell me your MacOS version?


    Can you also try to resolver the multiple head conflict and retry the push? I want to know if it's able to push the new changeset to gitHub even if the process can end by itself.



  2. Just remove that file and start macplastic.


    I'm testing push/pull and works fine for me, I can't understand why you need to kill it, I'm wondering if it's something related with the script, can you execute it directly?



    /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/bin/mono /path/to/cm.exe sync .......


    If it gets to the same scenario get the process id and run:


    sudo kill -QUIT PID


    and postme the stacks.

  3. Ok, I'm sorry.... I didn't realize the mono bundled is not having all the dlls. We'll fix that.


    I have a workaround, similar than the steps written here: http://www.plasticscm.net/index.php?/topic/3017-intellij-plugin/


    1) Install Mono 3.0.3 MDK: http://download.mono-project.com/archive/3.0.3/macos-10-x86/

    2) Download the client zip directory from here: https://www.plasticscm.com/download/

    3) Place the remoting.conf file "/Applications/macplastic.app/Contents/MonoBundle/remoting.conf" inside the "client" binaries dir.

    4) Paste the attached libraries inside the "client" binaries dir. lib.zip

    5) Use 

    mono cm.exe sync databuilder@my-server.de:8087 git https://github.com/derkork/test-data-builder.git

    In order to get the repository imported.

    Make sure you use the mono 3.0.3 (mono --version will help you)


  4. I'm sorry but I'm not even able to open the Plastic SCM preferences panel. I can see the "PlasticSCM" entry but when I click it nothing happens :( (I have to say the plugin is not supported for MacOS in the first place, sorry)


    Can we try something different?


    Please download the Plastic SCM client binaries (client.zip) from the MacOS download page https://www.plasticscm.com/download/

    Create a cm file, inside the client directory, having the following content and change the permissions to have +x.


    /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/bin/mono /Users/tardismac/Desktop/client/cm.exe $1


    You will need to have the MonoFramework installed (http://www.mono-project.com/download/). And the "macplastic.app/Contents/MonoBundle/remoting.conf" file copied inside the client binaries directory.


    Use this new "cm" tool for the IDEA test connection, please tell me if it goes further.



    EDIT: Use this mono instead: http://download.mono-project.com/archive/3.0.3/macos-10-x86/

  5. Hi!


    Some questions.


    It's mac so do you have "cm" added to the PATH environment variable?

    Is it available for all the users/GUI/CLI?

    Are you running IDEA with your current user right? No root or something similar right?


    Can you enable the cm log, test that it's able to log (you can change the output path inside the cm.log.conf file) and reproduce the issue, we can see if at least is launched. https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/technical-articles/kb-enabling-logging-for-plastic-scm-part-i.html

  6. Hello Jan,


    what IntelliJ version are you using?


    I can send you the jar plugin files but if you are using macplastic you'll need to ad the cm tool into the PATH system variable. The cm tool is bundled inside the macplastic app.

  7. Hi!


    you are lucky! you can setup an "Anonymous" user with the "ci" permission denied, that user will not be able to checking therefore the license will not be consumed.


    You might want also to remove more permissions in order create a full read only profile:






















  8. Here you have it!


    1) The blob storage configuration is done inside the "db.conf" file, you can include a "BlobStorage" section like the following one:

      <ConnectionString>DataSource={0};Persist Security Info=False;Max Database Size=4090;Max Buffer Size = 4096;Password=;</ConnectionString>
         <BasePath>C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\server\blobdb</BasePath>

    1.1) The "BasePath" parameter will set the location of the blob files. Here is where the indexed files will live. Make sure the write permission is granted.

    1.2) Revisions bigger than the "MinSize" parameter will be stored in blobs. It's specified in bytes.


    2) Restart the Plastic SCM server


    The Checkin operation is around 2.8 times faster.

    The Update operation is around 1.5 times faster.


    Of course you need to start working with the blob storage from the beggingexiting data in a given repository is not migrated into blobs.

  9. Ok,


    in that case review the following:


    1) Check that the branch time filter (inside Options -> Display options) is big enough to display the infomation.

    2) Check the same for the changeset view.

    3) Tell me if the branch view is showing something, this branch view is not having by default a time filter.

    4) Did you have change something related with the server port or IP?

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