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Posts posted by manu

  1. Hi @rakkar,

    you have two different options:

    1. Gluon: as you pointed out Gluon will let you choose wht you want to download to the workspace. Please check the following videos, they will help you to learn how to use Gluon, you'll see it's super easy:
    2. Cloaked.conf: Configuring a cloaked.conf file before the update operation will let you choose what to download, check the following link for more info:  https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/user/plastic-scm-version-control-introduction-guide.shtml#_Toc266201374
  2. Hi @JanReimer,

    you are right. If you use the server side trigger you will not be able to access the file content before the checkin operation takes place, notice you will be able to do it with a server side "after-checkin" trigger but in your case it will be useless.

    It's better if you create a client side trigger and you check if the name of the files are ok and it's content as well.

    You can solve the deploy of the trigger by using a "Trigger variable" in order to customize the trigger path: https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/triggers/plastic-scm-version-control-triggers-guide.shtml#C4_Comunication_Client

    If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.



  3. Hi @Stammy,

    thank you fro the log info.

    From what I see we might have two issue in your installation.

    1) Bad client.conf configuration: What happens if you open a command line client and you type "cm lrep", does it work?

    2) Bad license installed at your server: Can you please download again your license and install it over the one you already have? Then restart the Plastic SCM server. I can also generate you another license, I can't find licenses associates with your mail domain so I will need to know your license holder email.

  4. I can't find a way to remove the last warning line and preserve the short format.

    You can do this: cm status --private --machinereadable --startlineseparator="@@" --endlineseparator="@@" --fieldseparator="||"

    It will not print the warning message but it will give you not only the file path but also extra info.

  5. Hello @Stammy,

    I'm sorry to hear you are having issues with the Unity Plugin, I've just grabbed the latest installer for Unity and Plastic and it's working fine for me.

    Can you please enable the log as it's described here:

    please share the log result with us?

    I guess you already know it but you can work without the Plugin by using the "Transparent SCM" mode: https://www.plasticscm.com/features/transparent-scm.html

    You can work like that until we find out what's wrong with your setup.

  6. Hello @Gerald O,

    The following error:

    There was a problem between the IDE and Plastic SCM communication through the console. Cannot run program "cm": CreateProcess error=2, Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden

    makes me think the "cm" tool cannot be found/executed.

    Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden => The system can not find the specified file.

    Can you please try the following:

    1) Triple check the "cm" tool is available at the PATH for the user running the banboo agent service.

    2) Make sure the "cm" is configured for the user running the bamboo agent service. A really fast way to configure Plastic to all the users at the same time is placing a proper "client.conf" file inside the "C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\client" directory. The "client.conf" is inside the user "appdata\local\plastic4" directory, you can take it from there.


  7. Hello @pysnoo that is probably happening because your workspace is tied to a changeset. Your GUI will look like like this: (probably)


    When you switch to a changeset it's because you want to load that static configuration forever. The update operation will not take the latest changes from main, it will try to load again the changeset you are switched to.

    You have two ways to easy your workflow:

    1) The best one is switching your workspace to branch and not to a changeset, your GUI will show something like this instead:


    And your problems will disappear.

    2) If you keep working switched to a changeset you can enable the Pending changes view preference called "Look for newer changes in the repository" this will search for new content and will allow you to update or merge depending on your local changes. You will see something like this once there are new content created on the branch head:



    I recommend you the option #1, it's easier and more natural.

    Hope it helps!


  8. Hi Mat!

    Nop, I'm sorry but we don't support LFS for the GitSync feature. As you saw only the pointer files are downloaded.

    Regarding this new project... do you need to import Git history or will you start from fresh? One of the strongest points about Plastic is that you will not need to use patches like LFS for Git, we do natively support big assets.

  9. Ummmmm,

    I'm just replacing the following XML tags in order to make it work with my local server and it seems it's working just fine:


    What happens if you run "plastic.exe --configure" and you re-configure the client? It's still failing?

    Can you execute an easy CLI command such us the "cm lrep"? Works?

  10. Hello Lumz,

    I'm sorry but I can't reproduce the issue, I use the following:

    echo start
    del "C:\Users\manu\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ConsoleApplication1\ConsoleApplication1\bin\Debug"\* /F/Q
    del "C:\Users\manu\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ConsoleApplication1\ConsoleApplication1\obj\Debug"\* /F/Q
    C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe "C:\Users\manu\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ConsoleApplication1\ConsoleApplication1.sln"
    echo end

    The checkin operation success and the solution gets compiled.Do you have more info to help us reproduce the issue?

    • Like 1
  11. Hello,

    you are right, it would be much easier to address the xlink rename operation having the workspace free of changes.

    There's not a direct way to easily undo your pending changes since you'll face the "repo not found" error, they belong to a repository that is not there anymore, at least with the name they know.

    You can undo the repository name operation, make sure your team is not having changes and then follow the procedure.

    If you are not able to do it you can remove the "plastic.changes" file you'll find inside the ".plastic" hidden directory at your workspace root directory. Notice this will remove all the plastic client knowledge about your changes files, not really a problem since you'll still have the files changed, moved or removed in your disk and Plastic can track them too. Without this file you'll be able to follow the procedure above.

  12. Ummm David that's weird.

    You mentioned you are not having any log file, right? Can you check it again? Look, there's a way to launch the server in console mode, you'll need to do the following:

    1) Open a command line tool as admin.

    2) Run: 

    cd "\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\server"

    plasticd.exe --console

    Please keep the command line runnning and check if you can open Plastic without errors. Log should be generated.


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