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Posts posted by mig

  1. Hi @thomas.weltenbauer.,

    Unfortunately, I'm afraid you can't switch your workspace to another branch, changeset or label if you have checked-out items. Generally speaking, any controlled change prevents you from changing the workspace location. The setting you pointed out only applies to items that are locally changed in the workspace.

    In this scenario, first you need to either check your changes in or undo them, optionally shelving them or backing them up elsewhere. Then you'll be able to switch your workspace as you wish. From then on, you'll be able to perform those switches as long as you have local changes only.

    Could you please verify that this is what's actually going on in your scenario?


  2. Hi @Mark Hargreaves,


    It seems that you moved the client configuration file (client.conf) from your user directory (%LOCALAPPDATA%\plastic4) to the client binaries directory (\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\client). Chances are that your user doesn't have permissions to read or write that file. Could you please check that and give the appropriate permissions to your user? Another alternative would be to copy the contents from C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\client\client.conf, remove that file and paste the contents in a new file C:\Users\<your-user>\AppData\Local\plastic4\client.conf . That way, the Plastic SCM client will load it from your local configuration directory and you won't have any additional issues.

  3. Hi guys! Thanks for your feedback.

    The dynamic layout is still in a really early stage, so we're absolutely open to suggestions and it'll probably change in the future.

    Answering @SWSBB: yes, this functionality is compatible with manual relayout. Regarding the weights system, I'm happy to tell you that we're already weighting branches according to their relevance in the chart. We're just doing it in a basic way at the moment: main > top-level > parents of workspace branch > workspace branch > children of workspace branch > other branches > integrated branches. We'll take good note of your thoughts on the matter for the next iteration of the dynamic BrEx layout 😉


    @jwvanderbeck: I'm afraid yes, the /main branch will always be on top using this dynamic layout. That /main branch always has GUID '5fc2d7c8-05e1-4987-9dd9-74eaec7c27eb', and that's what we move to the top. Then you'll have any other top-level branch beneath it, which might still be useful to you: from what I understand, your /develop branch merges into /main eventually, right? I'll let the team know about your setup to see when we can provide you a way to specify your top-most branch!

    Thank you so much for your feedback!

  4. Hi all!

    We're going to release a new feature to make the Branch Explorer diagrams more meaningful. The layout will order branches acknowledging your current workspace status, moving to the top the branches you're more likely to use. We'd love to hear your feedback about this, so we're opening this thread to provide a link in the upcoming release notes when the first layout changes are published.

    We'll post a new message in this thread when the new feature is released.

    We can't wait to hear your thoughts!

  5. Hi jitterist,

    There's currently no command that mimics the "git clean" behavior. If you consider that's a must have for you, we'd like you to add your request to our UserVoice site: https://plasticscm.uservoice.com/forums/15467-general

    As a workaround, you can use the cm status command to list the files you'd like to delete and pipe the output to a for-each-like shell command. For instance, this is how it could be done in PowerShell:

    cm status --private --short $workspacePath | % { rm $_ }

    In bash you could either use

    cm status --private --short ${WORKSPACE_PATH} | while read FILE; do rm $FILE; done


    cm status --private --short ${WORKSPACE_PATH} | xargs rm

    Of course, you can change the --private argument or add any other to fit your needs. For instance, if you'd like to remove all ignored files you can include the --ignored argument in the cm status command. The --short argument makes the cm status command to output just the full paths of the matching files.

    Is this suitable for you? Please let us know!




  6. Hi derkork,


    I've just installed IntelliJ IDEA 14 and 15, and Plastic SCM for Mac on a clean Mac using El Capitan. I've copied the zipped contents Manu posted above into /Applications/IntelliJ\ IDEA\ <version>.app/Contents/plugins, as I think you already did. I also confirmed that the cm executable was in the command line. I configured macplastic using the macplastic.app application. Surprisingly, I didn't find any trouble using Plastic inside IDEA. I was able to create a new project from VCS checkout or creating a new workspace for a new IDEA project. Checkin, checkout, update and all other functionalities didn't cause any trouble and only one cm shell process was running at the same time.


    At this point, can you verify that the directory /Users/j.thomae/Library/Caches/IntelliJIdea15/tmp exists and your user has write permissions in it? If it didn't, it might be possible that IDEA can't find the commfile passed to the cm shell process. This would mean that IDEA can't assure that the cm shell is ready to accept commands, opening new shells as retries.


    I would ask you to reinstall MacPlastic, backing up your config files. They shouldn't be inside the application directory but in your home directory, as you said. That is the default behaviour (as I've just tested and confirmed) and your /Applications/macplastic.app/Contents/MonoBundle directory should only contain remoting.conf and macplastic.log.conf, which aren't user-specific. I'd ask you to configure MacPlastic using the GUI, either opening it for the first time when no configuration is present in your system or through the preferences dialog. You can also manually launch the client configuration window by executing:

    open /Applications/macplastic.app --args --configure

    As Manu said, the "Configure client" is not compatible with MacPlastic at the moment. How did you configure plastic the first time?


    If reinstalling MacPlastic doesn't work and you still experience issues, I'd like you to configure the cm logging. You'll have to write this content inside the file /Application/macplastic.app/Contents/MonoBundle/cm.log.conf (you'll probably have to create it):

      <appender name="RollingFileAppender"
        <file value="${HOME}/.plastic4/cm.log.txt" />
        <appendToFile value="true" />
        <rollingStyle value="Size" />
        <maxSizeRollBackups value="10" />
        <maximumFileSize value="100MB" />
        <staticLogFileName value="true" />
        <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
          <conversionPattern value="%date %property{TransactionID} %username at %property{ClientMachine} %-5level %logger - %message%newline" />
        <level value="DEBUG" />
        <appender-ref ref="RollingFileAppender" />
    Also, set your macplastic root log level value to DEBUG by editing /Applications/macplastic.app/Contents/MonoBundle/macplastic.log.conf like this:
      <!-- appender definitions -->
        <level value="DEBUG" />
        <appender-ref ref="RollingFileAppender" />

    After the failed execution you'll find a cm.log.txt file inside ${HOME}/.plastic4. We'd appreciate if you could sent it to us along with ${HOME}/.plastic4/macplastic.log.txt and the IDEA log (it can be found by clicking on the "Help->Show Log in Finder" IDEA menu option).




  7. Hi, Jan!


    Thank you for your feedback! We're terribly sorry: there was a typo in the resolution message. The affected file should be guiclient.conf instead of client.conf. We've updated the message to warn about this.


    So, to configure your custom default workspace root, you'll just need to add a line like this in your guiclient.conf file (located by default at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\plastic4\guiclient.conf):


    Once you restart the GUI your preference will be refreshed.


    Adding GUI controls to configure this setting is in our minds, but that feature will probably take some time to be released... Sorry for the inconvenience.




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