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Everything posted by xDavidLeon

  1. Thank you Carlos. Now each push event outputs "Replication write operation on myrepo", but no info about what the push operation contains (changesets comments?). Is there a way to add some info on these events? Right now, that message isn't really useful to check what has been pushed . Cheers! - David L
  2. Same issue. I used: cm tr mk after-checkin NotifyTeam "webtrigger https://discord.com/api/webhooks/****" --server=organization@cloud and this works for my checkins and for other users working directly on the cloud server, but it's not working for users that use the Sync to Cloud workflow. I also tried adding cm tr mk after-checkin NotifyTeam "webtrigger https://discord.com/api/webhooks/****" --server=repo@local with no success. Also tried with 'after-clientcheckin'. Nothing. Any help?
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