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Features Req - With Trac 1.0


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I'm a new-comer to Plastic SCM and I decided to use Trac as my Task manager. Main reason being for me needing a local installation without any connection to the internet.

So far, so good. I love both products, installing was a charm (Big thanks to BitNami Trac Stack!).

I have some comments / feature request I think would help;

  • Possible Bug; I use the Edgewall Trac Extension often, however it would be really usefull for the "Owner" field to be related to the actual owner and not the "Reported By" field in Trac. That way we can meanfully asign a task to a developer and have him see it so in the Plastic Client.
  • Is it possible to have more Trac fields reported into the Plastic client in the branch explorer? Exemple; [tracComponent]-[tracTitle]-[version], instead of just [tracTitle]
  • It would be nice to have an option such as Assign Branch color depending on [field] (priority, severity, component, ...).
  • When in "Task on branch" working mode; auto select the task when clicking on a branch. There can only be one per branch anyway...

I think that is all. Thanks!

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