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GitSync with VisualStudio.com displays an error in the end


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Long time, no see! :)


I'm trying to get my beloved Plastic SCM to sync with TFS on VisualStudio.com via Git.

Everything seems to be doing fine, but in the end, I get the following message:




The server log does not shows any additional information about the error.


Here is the link to the log file on my skydrive: http://sdrv.ms/1b8Q2Sx


PS.: Ignore the commands that deleted some attributes, I did that manually (as Carlos told me to in a email we exchanged...)



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In our next release, we are going to integrate a "TFS sync" feature. It also works with TFS online, so you will be able to sync your TFS repositories stored in VisualStudio.com.  Does it fix the problem?


I will check how the sync with TFS on VisualStudio.com via Git works, because we haven´t used it before.


Best regards,


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The release with the integration with TFS 2012 and TFS repositories on visualstudio.com (TFS 2012 based) will be most surely published tomorrow or early next week.


In this post it´s explained how integration works with TFS 2010:  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16576313/using-plasticscm-or-any-dvcs-client-to-connect-to-tfs/16589120?noredirect=1#comment23844173_16589120


This video also explains the TFS Sync: 




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