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OS X installer fails to execute


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On OS X I encountered a problem updating a Plastic full installation - client and server on the same machine.



OS X 10.6.8

Installed Plastic: (using default SQLite data store)

New Plastic installer: PlasticSCM-


I downloaded the latest full installer and executed it.


I received a dialog requesting my user name and password, when I entered the information the dialog cleared and nothing else happened.


The problem turned out to be the installer file is not executable:


$ ls -l /{path to}/PlasticSCM-
-rw-r--r--  1 glen  staff  3110411 Nov 16  2011 /{path to}/PlasticSCM-

I made the installer executable:


$ chmod +x /{path to}/PlasticSCM-


Now the installer works as expected.


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