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Jenkins - Get last changeset id


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I would like to identify my builds with Jenkins using the last changeset ID according to the current branch selector.

There is the CHANGE_ID environment variable available in Jenkins, but it doesn't seem that the Plastic SCM Plugin supports it.


I initaly wanted to use the BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME from the job itself, but as I need to build with Unity on a Mac and on a PC, I must use a common ID.


Thank you for your help,


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Hello Maxime,

I'm afraid those environment variables will not match the changeset id used, you can add a user voice idea so we can implement it if it has enough traction: https://plasticscm.uservoice.com/forums/15467-general

Now what you can do is from the build, access the Plastic SCM workspace and execute "cm status --nochanges", that's going to give you the info you need.

Hope it helps.



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