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Plastic Change Tracker feedback

Mikael Kalms

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Hi, and just FYI,

I'm running Labs release I have had the Plastic Change Tracker service active for some days, but will disable for the time being. I notice that when editing text files with Visual Studio 2017, the change tracker service will see Visual Studio's file modifications as rename + delete + add operations (probably because that is what VS does under the hood).

See attached image for an example. I have edited BoardLogic.cs & BoardPresentation.cs in this situation.


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Hi Mikael,


Exactly, for some reason each time you edit in VStudio, it is moving the file to whatevever.cs.TMP, then creating a new whatever.cs. Very disappointing.

We are working on a heuristic to get this fixed, and I think we already have a possible solution. So stay tuned because probably we will release it quite soon.


By the way, *big thanks* for beta testing this!! :-)

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  • 1 month later...

@psantosl any news on this? I also disabled the change tracker because of the same reason.


It is very useful with other programs, but not with Visual Studio.

I also use Jetbrains Rider, which has an option to disable this atomic file saving, and it works nicely with the Change Tracker.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi, we already released the following fix:

When editing text files with some IDEs (e.g. Visual Studio) the target file is moved to a temporary path and then the new contents are written into the original path while the previous (renamed) file is deleted. Now, the Plastic Change Tracker acknowledges this workflow and shows the edited files as changed, instead of a private file on the original path and locally deleted file on the temporary path.



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