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Bug in xlink on mac


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I am using Plastic with Unity in macOS. At this moment we are using a few repo for project (main and additional packages). To the main project I connected by Xlink (in command line) another repo. However, I found two bugs:

1) I added a new label (1.0.1) to commit and push it to the cloud but Xlink doesn't see it. The previous label (1.0.0) is visible by Xlink - it was created by another person on Windows

2) The label 1.0.1 is connected with commit with "Object name 6". I connected it by changes number but some of the changes was not visible. However, when I connected to "Object name 7" (cm xlink -e NodeEditor / 7@RGNodeEditor@servername@cloud) which doesn't exist in the repository everything start working...

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There are two bugs.

Context info:

I have two repositories: main and library. I need to connect library repo to main by Xlink. Library repo has:

  • 7 commits, from 0 to 6,
  • three labels: Empty, 1.0.0 (created by windows user on 3 changeset) and 1.0.1 (created by me on Mac on 6 changeset)

1) I make a commit to repo, add label and then push it to the cloud. When I tried to connect library by command "cm xlink Editor /Data 1.0.1@Editor@server@cloud" it give me an info that label 1.0.1 does not exist.

2) After a fail with label I change label to changeset - "cm xlink Editor /Data 6@Editor@server@cloud" and update the workspace. However, I didn't see all changes from the changeset that I expected, it downloaded data from the previous one. So I decided to make a test and run the following command "cm xlink Editor /Data 7@Editor@server@cloud". After update the workspace all data was downloaded... But the changeset number 7 doesn't not exist in my project... 

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Hi @Krejwen,

3 hours ago, Krejwen said:

1) I make a commit to repo, add label and then push it to the cloud. When I tried to connect library by command "cm xlink Editor /Data 1.0.1@Editor@server@cloud" it give me an info that label 1.0.1 does not exist.

Don't know what's wrong, I've just tested it using the command line and works as expected. The remote label is found and the xlink correctly created.

Can you check what happens if you use the proper label specification? It would be something like: lb:1.0.1@Editor@server@cloud

3 hours ago, Krejwen said:

2) After a fail with label I change label to changeset - "cm xlink Editor /Data 6@Editor@server@cloud" and update the workspace. However, I didn't see all changes from the changeset that I expected, it downloaded data from the previous one. So I decided to make a test and run the following command "cm xlink Editor /Data 7@Editor@server@cloud". After update the workspace all data was downloaded... But the changeset number 7 doesn't not exist in my project... 

Again, not sure what's happening, if I specify a non existing cset the command line says:

The specified changeset 9 does not exist.

Make sure you are using the right remote server address for the xlink command. If it keeps complaining about the missing label please execute this in order to know how many labels the client can see:

cm find label on repository 'yourRepoName@YourCloudOrg@cloud'



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