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Why does Plastic lose my settings every time I update!?

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I'm still evaluating Plastic.  Been only I think two weeks so far and in that time 3 or 4 new versions of Plastic have been released.  And each time I update all my settings are lost!  First I thought it was a fluke, but then it just keeps happening and it did it again just now.  After installing the new version and starting Plastic GUI on Windows it is now asking for all my login information again.  I put my cloud credentials in, and then it gives me the wizard to set up a new workspace.

WHY!?  Why can't an upgrade just leave things alone?

Oh an even better after pointing it to my existing workspace thinking it would just reconnect, it instead errors saying workspace already exists.

Seriously.  I like what I've seen mostly of Plastic but I'm now essentially unable to continue working.  This is just unacceptable.  I need source control I can rely on :(

EDIT OK after struggling with that Workspace screen I just killed the app and restarted it and this time it reconnected to my existing workspace.  I'm glad I tried that rather than wringing my hands all night long and getting no work done.

You guys seriously need to improve the update process. 

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Definitely not normal. I mean, we upgrade ALL the time and settings are not lost.


Settings are stored under appdata/local/plastic4, and this folder is not touched by the upgrade.


That being said, we can look into your case specifically, because this is definitely not what everyone else is experiencing.

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Actually to clarify a bit here, the ACTUAL settings don't appear to be lost.  In other words the configuration files in appdata/local/plastic4 are intact.  But when the PlastkicGUI starts up after an update it seems to ignore those and make me go through the new user wizard again.  First asking for the login credentials, and then asking me to set up a workspace.  When what it should be doing is just launching straight into the app using the previous settings.

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Is it possible that you are running the Plastic GUi with a different system user and for that reason, it's not using the previous configuration files?

If you close the configuration panel (opened after the upgrade) and then re-open PlasticGUi with the same original user, does the issue persists?




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4 hours ago, calbzam said:


Is it possible that you are running the Plastic GUi with a different system user and for that reason, it's not using the previous configuration files?

If you close the configuration panel (opened after the upgrade) and then re-open PlasticGUi with the same original user, does the issue persists?




Same user, same system.  I don't know about the first panel asking for user login credentials, but the second one asking to make a workspace is the one I discovered I could cancel, which would exit Plastic, but then restart it and I would be resumed back into my normal settings which is how I know the setting FILES are still there.

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