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AWS EC2 RedHat Plastic Installation

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I've been following this tutorial 




on how to setup plastic with AWS EC2. At first I was going to install it on an Ubuntu server however I ran into the same problem as the OP in this post 




I then tried to install Plastic on Red Hat and I was able to complete the installation. However, when I try to start the server I constantly get the warning that there is a lock file and I need to delete it. If I delete the file and retry it does the same thing. 


Don't know if this matters but after this happens, I try to restart the EC2 server. After I do that I can never get in to the server again.


Any solutions/suggestions are appreciated!

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I am logged in as ec2-user since amazon does not allow you to be root but I sudo all of my commands and they work


Here's the log when I try to start the server:

2014-05-21 21:59:36,401  root at  INFO  Channel - 'sinklevel' compression mode set. all metadata will be serialized
2014-05-21 21:59:36,402  root at  INFO  Channel - 'BufferPoolMax' is set to '10'. It sets the maximum number of available buffers for object data transfers
2014-05-21 21:59:36,402  root at  INFO  Channel - 'SerializationObjectsAtSink' is set to 'True'. True means SerializationBase descendants are  directly written into the response buffer
2014-05-21 21:59:36,431  root at  INFO  Channel - Start listening
2014-05-21 21:59:36,435  root at  FATAL Daemon - Configuration file '/opt/plasticscm5/server/remoting.conf' could not be loaded: Address already in use
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Address already in use

The 8087 or the 8088 port is already in use. Plastic SCM server already started? -> Check it with a ps command.


If any other tool is using those ports try to change them inside the remoting.conf file and restart the server.

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