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GitSync with Gluon?


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I've tested GitSync with the full GUI and it worked nicely to connect to a git repository on GitHub.Does the same work with Gluon? I didn't find any documentation about it. It would be fine to configure GitSync via the full GUI and then switch over to Gluon to do checkin/checkout, but so far, Gluon only pushes to the local repository, but not GitHub. I've had similar problems with regular PlasticSCM repositories, when I switched between full GUI and Gluon.

So, is GitSync supported with Gluon and how can I set it up?

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You can still perform it from the regular GUI going to the branch explorer and right clicking there a branch, then Push/Pull and finally sync with git.

I know it is more tedious and definitely not a comfortable option for Gluon users, but I'm afraid it is what we have now. I'm sorry.




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