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View all checkout in a repository or branche


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We are updating our Plastic server from 3 to 5. Everything works fine and im happy with the product but there is one option I can't find.


We are using Powerbuilder as developpement tool so our object are exported in text file to be use by Plastic. Unfortunately some object are just to painful to use the merge tool and read all the changes to resolve the conflict. To avoid those situation as much as possible, we were using the "all checkouts" tab in Plastic3 to see wich objects was under modification by someone else and see if our modifications would be hard to merge together. 


Im trying to find the same option in Plastic5 but all I can see is my checkout. Is there a way I can see all the checkout from everyone in the repository or the branche?




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Hello Marc,


a long long time ago, I think from Plastic 3.6 the WorkspaceServer is not an standalone server anymore, instead it's a local component that tracks your local checkouts but not your coworkers ones. So it's not possible to list the co's of your coworkers, only yours unless you use the exclusive lock (http://www.plasticscm.com/whats-new/checkout.aspx)


Thanks to this change the system is now much much faster and less complex for new users.

Best regards,


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