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Logging to cloud version through cm configure


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I'm trying to set up PlasticSCM for a Debian based Jenkins docker. 

I was able to install PlasticSCM but when I run the 

cm configure

and use the @cloud address as the Plastic SCM server address I get 

There was an error while checking the Plastic SCM server security mode.
Maybe the server is offline, or the address specified is wrong.

Is it a correct way of handling this. 

Also, how would I login to the account via the command line if the account is handled through Unity ID? 

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  • 3 weeks later...


Are you installing Plastic Cloud edition? If you are trying to configure a regular standalone Plastic client to a cloud server, please select the LDAP authentiation mode and enter your email and password. 

Also review there is not any network restriction, firewall... to reach the server.




Also, how would I login to the account via the command line if the account is handled through Unity ID? 

I'm afraid you will need some web browser to enter the Unity ID credentials.

Potentially, as a workaround you could configure the Unity ID user in some Windows machine and paste all the client configuration files to your Linux server.

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I have a same problem. I can't login PlasticSCM cloud with Unity ID on Linux CLI.

$ cm configure
####--- Client configuration wizard ---####
Configuring language. These are the available languages:
1. English
2. Spanish
Choose a language (type a number): 1


Configure the Plastic SCM server address/port:
Plastic SCM server address [localhost]: xxxxxx@cloud

There was an error while checking the Plastic SCM server security mode.
Maybe the server is offline, or the address specified is wrong.
Do you want to re-enter the Plastic SCM server address? [Y/n]: n


Select the users authentication mode. These are the available modes:
1. NameWorkingMode (Name)
2. NameIDWorkingMode (Name + ID)
3. LDAPWorkingMode (LDAP)
4. ADWorkingMode (Active Directory)
5. UPWorkingMode (User and password)
Choose a mode (type a number): 3


Configuring LDAP connection...
LDAP user: xxx@xxx
LDAP password: ******


Configure a proxy server? [y/N]: n


The Plastic SCM client has been correctly configured.
$ cm crypt xxxxxx
$ cm repository
Select the system you want to use to sign in to the organization: xxxxxxx@cloud
0 - unityid
1 - email
Select your system [0-1] 0
Open the following URL in your browser:
Invalid credentials, username or password are not valid.
$ cm workspace create aaa bbb --repository=xxxxx@xxxxxx@cloud
Invalid credentials, username or password are not valid.

(some personal informations removed)

I want to download remote PlasticSCM cloud repository on my linux machine. I don't have GUI environment so I could use CLI only. :( I already tried like the above but it doesn't work. In my case, LDAPWorkingMode doesn't work. I could login with Windows GUI, and client.conf file in Windows says WorkingMode is SSOWorkingMode. SSOWorkingMode doesn't exist in CLI.

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I'm afraid there is not an easy workaround to configure a Plastic client via Unity ID in a Linux machine with no web browser.  You should be able to configure it via CLI, but just user and password.

For the Unity ID authentiation, you may need to paste the configuration files from a Windows machine.

I'm checking with the team if we can somehow support it soon an an easier way.



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  • 7 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Hello, i have the same problem. I am trying to create some automatization processes which needs plastic client.

I want to install plastic client inside a VM which does not have GUI, or for example docker container. 

I am using this installation file:


Installation works fine, also i get no errors on cm configure command:

cm configure --server=xxx@cloud --user=xxx --token=xxx --language=en --workingmode=SSOWorkingMode

But when i try to do any other commands like "cm workspace" or "cm repository" - i get:image.png.fb7e39337544d019bac9460ad81b67df.png

Which basically means with my knowledge that configuration was not successful and client can't connect to server. 

I tried to copy config files from my windows machine to a VM, which helped for some time (1 day) because after that i need to relogin to plastic cloud because of some token expiration or smth.

I also tried to generate token via plastic cloud API keys section (https://www.plasticscm.com/account), but that also solved the issue for 1 day. After 1 day i get the same handle invalid error meaning i need to relogin again. 


Is there a way already to configure plastic client using UnityID and CLI? 
If not - is there a way to make those tokens permanent so i would not need to relogin?

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  • 8 months later...


Dose anyone find a wokaround for this problem? 

Like Aurimelis, I using config files from windows to log in to virtual mashine. Problem is that the token expired every day and I need do this again and again to keep vm conected to cloud.

On the other side, if i try to log in using using workingMode: 'LDAP' I get error: "Invalid credentials, username or password are not valid." . I am positive that it is correct mail and password becouse I am able to logi in to: https://www.plasticscm.com/account/login

Any idea how to setup plastic once for years?  

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