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Creating workspace fails with some profile settings


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Hello everybody,


I am new to Plastic and wonder if the following is a bug.


As far as I can tell creating a connection profile using an SSL channel will trigger the installation of the respective server key.


We are talking UPWorkingMode here.


1) Create automatic connection profile on SSL channel for

  • userA@server
  • userB@serve


2) Create new workspace. An error pops up telling you that somebody is trying to add the respective server key to some dictionary twice. Press 'OK'. You will not be able to select a default repository in the 'New Workspace' dialog and cannot create a new workspace.


3) Cancel workspace creation dialog. Create workspace on command line. This still works fine.



Some thoughts:


I did this nasty experiment because I wondered how Plastic is able to handle automatic connections of different users to one server without going schizophrenic.


Looks like the Plastic command line is operating with a dedicated user all the time, while the GUI client allows for multiple personality disorder....



All in all this looks like a bug to me, but I am not Plastic savy yet.

Comments anybody?





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I´m able to reproduce the issue. But the thing is why are you creating two profiles with two differents users to the same server? The profile feature is designed to conect the same user to different servers.  For instance, user1 can create a workspace to serverA and another to serverB.


If you want two users to connect to the same server, you will need to user the client configurator and switch between them.




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thanks for the reply.


I simply realized that the UI does not stop me from doing something that is not supported and wanted to report this small bug.


By the way, I am used to Perforce and a Perforce 'connection' is the triple of 'server', 'user' and 'workspace'. This allows for switching hats (e.g., from coder to build manager) by switching connection (aka switching the user). Quite useful at times. Running 'configureclient' to this effect feels not like the right thing to do...


All the best,


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