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show total repository size (disk usage)?


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I'm wondering if there is a way to get the total amount of disk space used by a particular changeset - does anyone know of a command for this?


I'm checking in a collection of old projects from before switching to version control and I'd like to have my checkin script compare the total size of the files on disk from before the checkin to the size of the repository for the new changeset to verify that all the files successfully made it.


I don't think I can just compare database size because of compression, metadata added by Plastic, etc.  I'm also using blob storage, so some files live in the MySQL database and some are stored directly on disk.


Any ideas?

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There might be a way, it's not optimal but it will give you the info.


You can download the cset differences to a given directory, then get the directory size and that's all! You can, of course, remove later the directory you used for downloading the diferences.


Something like this will do it:

cm diff cs:222 --download=.\d

Notice for changed items the full file is downloaded, not deltas.

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