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file list - on update trigger


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Hi there,

i need a way to get the paths of all files updated.

As i see this, the environment variable PLASTIC_UPDATE_PATH holds only the folder/workspace path which was updated.

As there are many, many, many files in these folders, and i need to process a conversion on some of the files updated, it would be a real pain in (you know where), to scan the folder and process every file in there.

Is there a way to get a list of all files, which have be updated?

For example switching a branch, cause the file E:\workspace\stuff.txt to be updated. But all i get from PLASTIC_UPDATE_PATH is E:\workspace

Kind regards,


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The update trigger output is only 0 or non zero if the trigger fails.

You can also use also the PLASTIC_USER, PLASTIC_CLIENTMACHINE and PLASTIC_UPDATE_PATH environment variables to know about the update scenario.

So, if you are looking to get the paths of all the files updated the update trigger output seems that is not your best candidate.

Try using the formatted update output:

--format: Sets a given output format.

{0} path, {1} date, {2} owner, {3} comment, {4} changeset.

So if you want to have the involved path just issue:

cm update . --format={0}


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Hi manu,

cm update . --format={0}

this would be the command line command, or not?

I've set up a trigger, which triggers on updates (via the gui or explorer extension). I want this trigger to know about the files, which were updated.

Is there any change this could work?

You aren't pushing the files throght the standard input stream of the script called by the trigger, are you?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi manu,

any idea how long this could take?

I'm kind of in a hurry. As we plan to BUY and USE plastic scm in the next two weeks =P

When will be your next release of the version 3? Could it be in there already?

Thank you very much.

Kind regards,


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I wrote a trigger script (called it log_update.bat) to address this functionality, it runs both on before-update and after-update events (takes an argument, either "before" or "after" to determine which event is being handled):

@echo off


REM **************************************************************************

REM Batch file run for Plastic SCM before-update and after-update triggers

REM (runs on Plastic client, on user's machine)


REM Creates a log of all directory/file changes resulting from the update,

REM for the workspace being updated.

REM **************************************************************************

REM **************************************************************************

REM "main" routine

REM **************************************************************************

REM Define file locations

set trigpath=C:\PlasticSCM\Triggers

set outfile=%trigpath%\log_update.txt

set beforefile=%trigpath%\update_before.txt

set afterfile=%trigpath%\update_after.txt

set logfile=%trigpath%\update_changes.txt

echo ***Update Info*** > %outfile%

echo Plastic server: %PLASTIC_SERVER% >> %outfile%

echo Plastic client: %PLASTIC_CLIENTMACHINE% >> %outfile%

REM Get date/time of update from current Windows date and time

for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (

set currdate=%%a/%%b/%%c


for /f "tokens=1-2 delims=:" %%a in ('time /t') do (

set currtime=%%a:%%b


set currdatetime=%currdate% %currtime%

echo Date: %currdatetime% >> %outfile%

echo. >> %outfile%

REM Get root of update path from PLASTIC_UPDATE_PATH environment variable


echo Client workspace path: >> %outfile%

echo %wspath% >> %outfile%

echo. >> %outfile%

cd %wspath%

REM Do before-update or after-update steps, as specified

if "%1"=="before" (

goto before_update

) else (

goto after_update


REM For before-update, just save directory of workspace before update is done


dir /s > %beforefile%

goto all_done

REM For after-update, save directory of workspace after update was done,

REM compare the before and after directories, and log a cleaned up version

REM of the before and after directory differences


dir /s > %afterfile%

fc /c /n /t /w %beforefile% %afterfile% > %logfile%

echo Workspace changes resulting from update: >> %outfile%

echo. >> %outfile%

echo Note: >> %outfile%

echo See specified lines of %beforefile% for "Before:" details >> %outfile%

echo See specified lines of %afterfile% for "After:" details >> %outfile%

set line1text=""

set line2text=""

set line3text=""

set line1type=none

set line2type=none

set line3type=none

set lastout=none

set filetext=After:

set dispfile=true

set /a numchanges=0

REM Process each line in directory difference file (skipping first line):

REM Note that a 3-line "buffer" is used to evaluate which lines from the

REM file should be presented in the cleaned up difference listing.

for /f "skip=1 tokens=*" %%a in (%logfile%) do (

REM Get next line from file (line 3 of buffer)

set line3text=%%a

REM Determine type of line

for /f "tokens=1-2* delims= " %%a in ("!line3text!") do (

if "%%a"=="*****" (

if "%%b"=="" (

REM If just "*****" line is a separator

set line3type=separator

REM If "*****" followed by more text, line is a file name

) else (

set line3type=filename


) else (

REM If text contains "Directory", line is a directory name

if "%%b"=="Directory" (

set line3type=dirname

) else (

REM Otherwise text indicates a directory/file change

set line3type=change



REM Special case for single line indicating no differences

if "%%a"=="FC:" set line3type=nodiff


REM Handle all cases of when difference file contents should be reported

REM in cleaned up version of differences:

REM For special case of no differences, log no difference message

if "!line3type!"=="nodiff" (

echo. >> %outfile%

echo ***No workspace differences after update*** >> %outfile%

set lastout=nodiff


REM If all three lines of buffer are for changes, log the second line

REM of the buffer as a change (preceded by "before" or "after" indication

REM if that has not been displayed yet for this set of changes)

if "!line3type!"=="change" (

if "!line2type!"=="change" (

if "!line1type!"=="change" (

if "!dispfile!"=="true" (

echo. >> %outfile%

echo !filetext! >> %outfile%

set dispfile=false


echo !line2text! >> %outfile%

set lastout=change

set /a numchanges+=1




REM If current line is a separator, log a separator unless last thing

REM logged was also a separator

if "!line3type!"=="separator" (

if not "!lastout!"=="separator" (

echo. >> %outfile%

echo !line3text! >> %outfile%

set lastout=separator



REM If current line is a file name AND previous line was a directory

REM name, log the current line of the buffer as a directory change

REM (preceded by "before" or "after" indication if that has not been

REM displayed yet for this set of changes)

if "!line3type!"=="dirname" (

if "!line2type!"=="filename" (

if "!dispfile!"=="true" (

echo. >> %outfile%

echo !filetext! >> %outfile%

set dispfile=false


echo !line3text! >> %outfile%

set lastout=filename



REM If current line is a file name, set text appropriately for next

REM "before" or "after" file indication

if "!line3type!"=="filename" (

if "!filetext!"=="After:" (

set filetext=Before:

) else (

set filetext=After:


set dispfile=true


REM Shift contents of 3-line buffer for next line of difference file

set line1type=!line2type!

set line1text=!line2text!

set line2type=!line3type!

set line2text=!line3text!


REM For special case of no differences logged, log no difference message IF

REM that message was not already logged above

if !numchanges! EQU 0 (

if not "!lastout!"=="nodiff" (

echo. >> %outfile%

echo ***No workspace differences after update*** >> %outfile%

set lastout=nodiff



REM del /q %beforefile%

REM del /q %afterfile%

REM del /q %logfile%


exit 0

Before the update, all it does is a (recursive) dir listing of the workspace (saved in update_before.txt). After the update, it first does another (recursive) dir listing (saved in update_after.txt). Those files are then diffed using fc to get the resulting workspace changes (saved in update_changes.txt). The rest of the script pretties up the fc output. The net results of the script execution are saved in log_update.txt.

Looking forward to actually having this functionality as part of Plastic! (BTW will this be included in a 3.0 release, or are such changes all being added to 4.0?)



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