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Renanimg a branch causes error


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Hello guys,

I was trying to perform a rename operation in a child branch that has no changes.

The rename operation was performed correctly but when I tried to make any changes in a file inside the visual studio 2010 sp1 I got the following message:

"No checout branch found".

I deleted the renamed branch and created a new one with the new name and it worked well.

Another thing is after the rename, the current name branch (on top of the window) name in the Plastic UI didn't changed neither in the "Workspace working info" dialog in the VS2010.

I think that's a bug. :)

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Hello cidico,

If you rename your working branch you will need to re-switch to it again. Although the branch is actually the same, the client is using the old name for all the operations.

If you don't switch to the renamed branch and you try to co/ci/add... you will get the "No checkout branch found" error. If you try to perform an "update" operation the system will give you a more detailed message, "The specified branch "OldBranchName" can't be found".

It's a known issue due to it isn't a very friendly workflow for the user, but you only need to switch to the renamed branch and everything will be ok.

Thanks and regards.

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  • 1 month later...

I ran into this as well, but was able to figure out that the 'selector' wasn't updated after the rename. Even though that behaviour isn't acceptable, what's even worse are the implictations of 'easy renaming'. For some reason in the first days I assumed that, because Plastic is great, that it will internally track some UUID for each branch so that changing the name of it doesn't confuse anybody. However, I had to learn that the name is the ID of it, and co-workers who happen to be on the same branch will have trouble next time they try to do anything with it.

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