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Something dreadful has happended!


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Somehow I don't know how I have managed to completely wipe all of my source code, I foolishly deleted the source code from my laptop before re-extracting from Plastic as I was having some connectivity issues bla bla long story, anyhow I have ended with nothing appearing in my repository :(

I have restored a backup file of the SQL database and have replaced it and still no source code, what have I done???

I have opended the repository using Visual Studio using the the "Open Project for Plastic SCM" option and theres nothing there, even with my backup database.

Is there a way I can check the database to see if the source code is actually in there, either via SQL management studio or using the plastic client tools?

Thanks in advance


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Hi Again

Thanks Soho for taking the time to respond, we have resolved the issue and I thought I would just feedback what happened to maybe help somebody else in the future!

One of our techies altered the password on the SQL server, this obviously prevented Plastic server from loggin in, and here's where it got interesting LOL!

The new password was created with % sign within it, the techy then update the db config file to have the new password, however they did not create the password using XML syntax for the % sign and thus the XML document was invalid!

Due to the invalid XML document PlasticSCM decided to revert back to its own native DB which had nothing in it, hence why everything dissappeared.

What would of been great here would of been for SCM to error not just revert back to a different database, anyway all is now resolved.

Thanks again


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Hi AndyBrew!

wow, yes I'm afraid that when there is no 'db.conf' file or the 'db.conf' file is not valid the system tries to start with the default backend...

Maybe we can add a log entry into the server log reporting this condition, just to prevent headaches!



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  • 2 weeks later...

to be honest you can see in the log file that the connection could not be made, once I was aware of the log file it was possible to start tracing things back and eventually to a solution. It was a heart sinking moment when i though I'd lost 2 weeks worth of development LOL!

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