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Automated sync repo for backups?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmm... not quite drop dead simple. Sync from the Plastic GUI works great, but when running from the server, it needs to be able to execute from the context of the user that the service is launched under.. since it's running under Local System, for Windows 7 this means creating a client.conf in C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\plastic4

But then for remote authentication... I changed from Local Users to User/password based security and created a user with the same name/password on both sides, and then copied client.conf (with user/pw configured in <SecurityConfig> section) to the system profile and restarted the servers.

When syncing manually from the client, it works fine, but when syncing from a trigger (after-checkin type) then I get unknown user error.

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Hi roadrunner,

If the server machine is only to be used to perform replication tasks I prefer to copy the client.conf inside the PlasticSCM client installation path.

By default plastic is going to search first if there is a "client.conf" file in the client installation path. So you only need one "client.conf" file and it will be used by all the system accounts.



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I was looking for something like this as well, as command line option equivalent to the GUI's "Synchronize all.." would be really handy. Right now if you have 15 branches, your scripts would need to 'know about' all your branches so that it can synchronize them. I was looking for a command line equivalent because the "powers that be" are concerned that people won't push their changes regularly and therefore risk losing some changes when a developer's machine explodes (which is no different than checking in changes in SVN, I pointed out :) ). So my solution [was going to be] that we put a scheduled task that on everyone's machine that does the "Synchronize all...".

Another item for the To-Do list... :)

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Hi CodingGorilla,

it was already in the To-Do list :)

We want to give the CLI the same functionality as the "Sync view", in this way the central server ca, for example every night, run the Sync command to retrieve all the changes from all the distributed developers.

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While you're at it, can I suggest a "Sync all sync views command" as well. Right now, in the GUI, you have to go down the list of views; click view a, click Sync All, click view b, click Sync All. If you could either multi-select the views or have another button that synchronizes everything that can be synchronized that would save even more time. This would apply [hopefully] to the cm command as well.

This would save a lot of time, especially in scripting. Otherwise every time there's a new repo or a new developer, you have to set up the sync + a new script to handle it.

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