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Plastic SCM Checkin Notifications?


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A very nice change notification feature with Perforce is: Every user is able to specify a list of files he/she likes to watch out. Then whenever any files from this list are changed, the server will send a notification email to him/her. Could Plastic support the similar behavior? Triggers do not work for this purpose.

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I think all of this can be addressed using the server level triggers.

You can setup a server trigger, "after checkin" type, and check if your desired files is inside the changelist (It's provided to the trigger), if your file is inside the changelist you just need to send you and email warning about the match.


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I think all of this can be addressed using the server level triggers.

You can setup a server trigger, "after checkin" type, and check if your desired files is inside the changelist (It's provided to the trigger), if your file is inside the changelist you just need to send you and email warning about the match.


Triggers do not work for this purpose in practice.

1. Not every user has the privilege and the sufficient knowledge to set up triggers on the server.

2. Each user will need to have a trigger on the server. If there are 100 users, there will be 100 "After check-in" triggers.

3. I'll have to update my trigger on the server when the files list I care about changes.

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Triggers do not work for this purpose in practice.

1. Not every user has the privilege and the sufficient knowledge to set up triggers on the server.

2. Each user will need to have a trigger on the server. If there are 100 users, there will be 100 "After check-in" triggers.

3. I'll have to update my trigger on the server when the files list I care about changes.

Although you have your point there's a way to do it with only one after-ci trigger.

All is about how complex is the program you want to trigger.

Let's see an example.

Plastic side:

create an after-ci trigger, attach your program into the trigger.

User side:

Your program will receive a list with the changes done in the ci operation.

You have to code the following:

Input: changes done in the ci and the branch used to ci.

Aim of the program: you can have for example, a directory on the server accessible by the developers, in which every user can create a file named with it's mail, myUser@miDomain.com. Inside this file the developer will write the files that he wants to be reported if they are changed.


List all the files in the shared directory.

For each file read the content.

If the content of the file matches with the files changed in the ci add the file name into a notification list.

Send an email for each entry of the notification list.

You can improve the program by using a notification object and add it into the notification list.

This object can have the following fields.


Items matched.

Then you can add the object info into the mail.

Of course this is an idea, you can improve it or create a new one.

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I agree with Manu.

I think we could add this as a core feature, but it would be really easy to get it up and running now as a trigger customization. Really easy.

In fact, instead of an email, what I'd love to have is a W7 applet (like the weather app and the like) with a nice graphic showing up each time a new change shows up, so I can easily review it and so on. It would be really cool. We've a proposal internally for it.

Of course, as Oscar pointed out, it can't be done with a trigger per user. You can store customers on a database, but you wouldn't create a database for each customer but a customers' table :P

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  • 1 month later...

Ive found the checkin side of Plastic to be very informative. However the update (checkout) side seems to have very little info.

Prior to updating the tree, should it not give you a list of files that have changed (by other members) and are about to be pulled down? Similar to a reverse of the Pending Changes Tab.

Could a notification be sent to each team member through the PlasticSCM system that files had been commited by someone, and ask if you want to proceed with an update.

Appologies if i dont understand the system fully as im currently testing Plastic from and SVN background.

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Prior to updating the tree, should it not give you a list of files that have changed (by other members) and are about to be pulled down? Similar to a reverse of the Pending Changes Tab.

Here there are two points:

1) The info you get in the trigger: Now it's very short, it will be improved, you will get the same info as if you run the update from the command line.

2) The info you get in the GUI before and after an update: It will also be upgraded, first you will be able to review the changes you are going to download, and after the update you will have a report of the items involved in the update.

Could a notification be sent to each team member through the PlasticSCM system that files had been commited by someone, and ask if you want to proceed with an update.

Right now it's not possible, but we are thinking about implementing it.

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