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Replicating branch renames


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When I am working distributed I am often without connection to our issue tracker. This means that I have to use a temporary naming scheme for new branches. When I later sync with the main repository I may not have created the issues in the tracker yet. When I do, I have to rename all branches in all replications which is easily forgotten, thus leaving the different replications with differently named branches.

Obviously this is a mess, so it would be really nice, if Plastic synchronized branch name changes. If there is a rename conflict, I would be fine if the newest name was chosen or better if the user could choose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, well, the problem is that it is not so easy.

Sometimes users replicate a branch and want to give it a different name for whatever project reasons. Changing the name of the source repo when you push your changes back is simply not an option. We could add checks or permissions to it, but it does sound a little bit overloaded for an operation which shouldn't happen very often. We can all rename branches but it is not the most usual function.

We'll study the proposal, sure, and try to figure out the best way to implement it.


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