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Posts posted by calbzam

  1. Hi,

    If you want to allow switching to a different branch with pending changes (even if they are ignored in the "Pending changes" view), you can configure this behavior in the GUI "Preferences" --> "Other options" panel. You can "allow", "allow showing a warning" or "don't allow".

    With this warning, we try to avoid errors like the one we explain in the following article:


    Your feedback is welcome.




  2. Hi,

    we designed the help system to not only help newcomers but also to prevent frustration to experienced users. The system is able to detect frustration scenarios such us empty views, unused features and so on. Right now there's no way to disable the system but notice that those cards you choose to hide will not appear again.

    Can you please get feedback from your users about the messages that shouldn't appear? We can improve the system with their feedback.  



  3. Hi,

    In Plastic, there is not such a concept. When you list the repos, you will see all the repos where you have permissions enabled. I mean, if some repos are not appearing in the list, it is because you don't have "view" permissions to see them. Otherwise, you will have access to all of the repos.

    The only way to handle repo access is via permissions:




  4. Hi Scott,

    We have just released  a new task that should be helpful in scenarios like yours:

    All platforms - Plastic, Gluon: We improved the behavior when you have local changes and the changeset loaded in your workspace is deleted by a different user.
    Before these improvements, this meant that you got stuck: at that point you were unable to checkin, shelve or undo your local changes.
    We modified the client behavior to enable you to undo your local changes, letting you out of that loophole. Shelving or checking them in will still be unavailable, as they wouldn't have a parent changeset.
    The 'undo' behavior will be slightly different depending on the client you use:
    Gluon will always allow you to undo the local changes. If the original contents aren't available anymore, the head contents of the current branch will be used instead.
    Plastic, on the other hand, will notify you about the inconsistency and then ask you for confirmation to undo all your local changes and update the current workspace.



  5. Hi @SDSChad,

    When you run an initial Gitsync operation, one the repos involved always need to be empty.

    The problem is:



    Machine B:

    3. Made a few more checkins to main through Plastic. 

    4. Synchronized all changes to my gitsync git repro.


    In the Machine B, you don't have any previous GitSync mappings. This machine is not aware of the previous GitSync performed in Machine A. When you sync the git repo, the commits are duplicated into your Plastic repo (at the end of the day breaking the repo).  Machine B doesn't know that there was a previous sync.

    You will need to manually remove the duplicated changesets.


    - Always perform the GitSync from the same machine.

    - If you want also do it from a different machine, you will need to use a clean new repo for the initial sync. These ways, the mappings will be also generated in the new machine (and not changesets will be duplicated).





  6. Hi,

    We have released the following task:

    All platforms - Plastic, Gluon: We improved the behavior when you have local changes and the changeset loaded in your workspace is deleted by a different user.
    Before these improvements, this meant that you got stuck: at that point you were unable to checkin, shelve or undo your local changes.
    We modified the client behavior to enable you to undo your local changes, letting you out of that loophole. Shelving or checking them in will still be unavailable, as they wouldn't have a parent changeset.
    The 'undo' behavior will be slightly different depending on the client you use:
    Gluon will always allow you to undo the local changes. If the original contents aren't available anymore, the head contents of the current branch will be used instead.
    Plastic, on the other hand, will notify you about the inconsistency and then ask you for confirmation to undo all your local changes and update the current workspace.


  7. Hi,

    Please, attach the full server debug log in order to debug the issue. But checking the error:


    • This problem usually occurs when the user that is trying to create the database doesn't have the necessary permissions in SQL Server. If you use the Administrator's account to create the database, this situation can be avoided. You can also check if the account that failed to create the database has the permissions described in this article
    • The problem can also occur if the name of the database you attempted to create is already in use by another database or if files from a database with the same name remain on the computer. Try creating a database with a different name.
    • Check if the disk on which the SQL Server is trying to create the database has enough free space.

    By the way, aren't you considering migrating your databases to Jet? Most of our bigger customers are already using it.



  8. Hi again,

    In order to restart your local macOS server:


    sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.codicesoftware.plasticscm.server.plist

    sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.codicesoftware.plasticscm.server.plist

    After that, the lock should be released.





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