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Some client improvements


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I have coupple of request for client improvements:

1) In the list of repositories it would be nice if there was an indicator of workspaces behind in updates (so are not working on the tip). I'm currently working on two places and using sync to synchronize, but besides syncing i also need to set the workspace to the most recent version before starting to work on it. It would be handy if i could see what project need this kind of attention without opening branch explorers for all of them.

2) Activate a workspace when double clicking them (maybe optional) but right-clicking all the time is not that easy to do. and bad for RSI.

3) I would like to see a view with full comments like typed in in the changeset view or in a report vreated from it with multi-line comments (not flattend to a single line). I normally use a (numbered) bullet style. So i would like to see a kind of changelog with changeset numbers, labels and full multi-line comments. Just a exportable report would be fine too.

4) Have an option for some basic formatting in the chec-in comment dialog (bulltets or numbers).

5) Get a warning if you try to close the check-in dialog without checking-in something when there are changes. The current check-in button is far from intuiitive and the current close button is where i would expect the check-in button. The close button should perhaps be named cancel.


Wim van der Vegt

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Hi Manu,

No thanks, If I like a product, I tend to make suggestions (a 'bad' habit of mine;-) if I see room for improvement.

With plastiscm it's difficult as I already like it very much and do not want to swtich back to VSS or anything else. In my case most of them originate from the high number of repo's and workspaces. PlasticSCM itself works like charm but the client app usability drops a bit.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Manu

Small new request, it would be nice if the Syn Replication view had the option to remotely create workspaces. I now have to use the commandline and retype a fairly long machine name (full AD one) to create a workspace at a remote machine.

So it would be nice (and easier with less chance on typing erres) if the Dialog for Add replication repository had the option to just select a server and add by typing just the repository name (or maybe even better have it already filled in with the local one, assuming names will probably match in a lot of cases).

Btw besides my problem with the deleted branch, syncing is really an eye opener. As i develop alone, I use it also as a kind of backup too (besides file backups off-course). And it allows me to work at multiple machines.Still got a lot of features to try!!


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Hi Manu

Next client improvement:

The files in the Items view have an context menu option Open With.

It would be nice if i did not have to select my favorite editor (TextPad btw) every time. Luckily the directory is remembered so it's nor as worse as it could get.

Suggestions would be to:

a) be able to define some editors/viewers that then are shown as submenu items.

B) preload these editors/viewers with the list of applications already defined by the OS (Windows in my case).

So basically mimic the open-with feature of explorer a bit more.


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Hi Manu,

Some more (small) suggestions for further improvements:

1) The repository table might be extended with a #of workspaces column.

2) The context menu in the repositories table could do with a add workspace menuitem.

3) The workspaces table might be extended with a repository name column.


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  • 2 weeks later...


To not create another thread with the same subject, I'm going to put my suggestions here... :)

  1. Maybe you could allow "large icons" visualization in the Items View, keeping the current as default.
  2. Still in the Items View, allow grouping file by type, creation date and some other file details (more like Windows Explorer does with folders view);
  3. Allow the user to Highlight some user-defined extensions files in the Items View, Pending Changes, Merge and another windows that display list of files;
  4. Grouping branches by branch parenting in the Branches View

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