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Visual Studio plugin oddities and inconveniences


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Maybe I have some bad understanding of it, but I found these things strange and inconvenient (in - LosAngeles):

Unchanged controlled files in Solution Explorer and also in text editor have these items in context menu: Checkout for edit and Update to Latest Version, other Plastic related items are nested into a Plastic SCM submenu. But the Checkout for edit operation is not needed (checkout is made automatically after save) and the weird Update to Latest Version operation (it performs only update AFAIK, no move to latest revision) is not useful at all, is it? At least, I hardly see a situation, where it is needed. It would be a really useful operation (especially in a trunk style development), if it switched to the latest changeset on a current branch; but that's not what it does. Edit: Actually, I was in a changeset mode, it works correctly in a branch mode.

Other useful operations (diff, annotate, history, refresh status) which are used often shouldn't be hidden into submenu IMHO.

If I click on a project in Solution Explorer and select Checkin, a modal Pending changes dialog appears. If I set Look for newer changes in the repository and some new changes are available, a bar with a View new changes button appears. When I click on this button, a new view appears in Visual Studio, but it is not accessible due to the modal Pending changes dialog! I suppose it is a bug.

A Pending changes dialog which is not showing the whole workspace (it is invoked through Checkin on a solution/project/file or View > Plastic SCM > Pending changes under solution) has selected and disabled the Show private items option in Pending changes options. Why? It seems to me that the advantage of auto-checkout is lost here, because it has to scan disc for changes every time.

Another strange thing in a Pending changes dialog which is invoked through Checkin is this: When I uncheck all enabled items in Pending changes options, some ignored and missing files start to appear in Pending changes. These are files, which are under the solution, but not under the version control (they are ignored, for example because they are regenerated during every build by MIDL). Why is that?

Thanks in advance!

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Another bug: click on Show method history in a context menu in a text editor within a C++ file. It crashed down my Visual Studio completely.

I understand that method history is available for C# only, but it definitely shouldn't crash the whole Visual Studio!

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It seems to me that the Plastic SCM plugin for Visual Studio is not well prepared for the situation when someone has switched to a specific changeset. It is not only the Update to Latest revision label, which is confusing in this scenario, but Workspace working info doesn't show the information of the current changeset, which I've switched to. It can display a current selector, where I can see I am in the changeset mode, rather than the branch mode, but that is not straightforward.

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I am not doing it now usually. :)

I've been used to do it this way, because I overlooked the Switch to this branch option and I thought that switching to a changeset is the only way. Now, I am using Switch to this branch instead. However there are still cases, where I want to switch to a specific changeset: for example because I want to try an older version (which has been released already).

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