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Feature: Integrate the Repository configuration (plastic configuration wizard) with the Plastic UI.


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I posted this topic in the user voice system, but wanted to add some details.





Having your client configured for only a SINGLE plastic server is really a pain - especially since I have 2 active servers I wan't to pull work from. And, each has it's own bug tracking link/setup, which has to be reconfigured every time I want to switch from one to the other.


I'd like to be able to configure multiple servers each with their own preferences and be able to switch between them from the Plastic GUI. - as shown in the attached image.


I don't think any of the older tools (CVS, SVN, VSS, etc) restrict the user to a single server, or require re-configuration to connect to a different one.

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Thanks manu.  That does function so I can see ALL of the repositories (1 issue down, 1 to go)....however... (you knew this was coming didn't you ;) )


  1. If I have 100+ projects with my work server and have only a few (3-5) projects on my home server, having them all show up in the same repository list makes it diffucult to find the right repository  (for instance, the more servers I have listed, the more times "default" shows up - 1 time for each server)
  2. The filter does allow the list to be limited (by either repo name, or server name) which helps significantly, but is an extra step.
  3. It might be a bit more intuitive/easy to use if those could be seperated.  The profiles piece is a bit burried in the UI.  In addition, I didn't even see it in connection to multiple servers as it specifies "replication" and "sync view" as the main function - which I interpret as being "multiple servers with the same projects that might need sync or replication" -- In my case, they are complete independent.

While I will be able to use this feature as is to switch projects, it appears that the Issue tracking configuration is NOT part of the profile (again, which I am assuming is because this was not really ment for independent server configurations where multiple, distinct tracking systems are involved)


Perhaps everyone in the Open Source community will be using GIT Hub or other features that make handling distinct servers easier, just not me - I will prefer connecting directly to multiple Plastic servers.  Still, I believe this would make the Plastic SCM product stronger for that area, since different projects will (most likely) have different issue tracking systems.


At least the profiles configuration gets me one step closer to replacing my multiple CVS servers.

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