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I somehow managed to get the following error (in chkdb's output):


Repository Server: X-HRL-A10430:8087
  Seid for name veg has more than one value in database repositories.plastic.sdf


and would like to know how to solve it.




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Did you start working with plastic with the default authentication and then you switched to a different one? That can lead in that situation.


You can check if your different users are eating extra licenses using the "cm li" command and then "cm du".


You don't have to worry about the chkdb message, it's not an error. I think we should remove or improve that command since it gives messages that may sounds like database errors when they are just system info.

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Hi Manu


I cannot use CM  DU as I'm not the repository admin (thats what plasticscm tells me).

I cannot switch to plastics own username/pwd database (thats what the user tool want me to i guess) because the server won't start without running the Server Configuration tool after the admintool).


In the server log i see:


2013-08-16 13:44:06,073 (null) (null) ERROR Daemon - Plastic Server is not correctly configured. Execute "configurerloader" wizard to configure Server and launch the service again.


Running the server configuration tool helped (the server starts again).


Another bug is that i have two users veg and Veg (don't know how i managed to get the two), but the user manager is not case sensitive, thus adding both veg and Veg in the umtool fails.


When i restarted the user manager, bot veg and Veg where there. Deleting Veg caused also veg to be dropped from the admin group.


I re-added myself to the admin group but still CM DU refuses. The umtool also still compains about a the authentification mode, altough it's set to username/pwd on both server and client. The server is running in UPWorkingMode mode.



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I recommend you to follow the next steps:

- Run client configure and server configure wizards and check if they are both configured as UPWorking mode. When you change server working mode, you will need to restart the server.

You can also check "server.conf" (server folder)  and "client.conf" (client folder) .It´s where the mode configuration is stored.


- Run plastic client: Repositories and Workspaces --> Rerpositories --> Right click --> Repository server permissions  . Check if you are the owner (you will be able to change permissions). You can run "cm whoami" to review that you are logged as server admin.


- I can reproduce the "not case sensitive" issue when adding an user to a group. I´m going to give you a workaroung. If you go to your Plastic server folder you will see "users.conf" and "groups.conf" files. You can manually edit "groups.conf" file and add users to a group:



This way you can manually add and delete users avoiding the "not sensitive" issue.


- Once you have configured "users.conf" and "gropus.conf", using "umtoolgui.exe" you will be able to check your Plastic users and groups.


- If you are the repsositry owner, you will be able to activate and deactivate users using: "cm au"" and "cm du" comands.





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Hi Carlos


In the repository server permissions dialog i only see all users as owner.


In the users.conf there is only one entry 'veg'.

Groups.conf contains: 'Admins:veg:'


In the repositories.plasticscm.sdf i see 3 entries in theh seid table (all active), EVERY-USER_OR_GROUP, veg and veg2.



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- Using "users.conf" and "groups.conf" you configure Plastic users and groups, but the users are not necessary activated. Yo can also use "umtoolgui.exe" to check Plastic users and groups.


- Once a user is created ("veg" in your case), you need to activate it. You can check if it´s activated using "cm li" command and then activate it using "cm au" command.  But you have to change repository server owner from "ALL_USERS" to a known user (in your case "veg" user or "Admin" group). Then, logging with this user, you will be able to add or remove licensed users.


- Regarding your "repositories.plasticscm.sdf" file you see a list of the users that have created a repository, doesn´t matter if the user is active or not, or even if the user has been removed. They are all active, but you have to set "veg" as repserver owner in order to let you add or remove licensed users. 




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