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Confusion about repository vs. workspace and ramifications


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I've been testing out Plastic SCM for a few days (community edition), and I'm slowly getting comfortable with how it works. Coming from Mercurial, my first stumbling block was trying to differentiate between a repository and a workspace in Plastic SCM. If I had to explain it to another person, I would currently say something like, "the repository is the actual database of all changes while the workspace is your current 'view' (or 'slice') of the repository." Is this incorrect?


I have another confusion point dealing with repositories and workspaces. In Mercurial, if I pulled from a network repository, I would get the complete history of the source code for the project. Suppose in Plastic SCM, I have a workspace of a network repository. I don't have a complete copy of the history, correct? Or do I? I.e., if I try to go to a different branch, does it require a network lookup in order to get more content from the repository? Suppose the network repository fails and permanently dies, is the workspace a legitimate backup for the repository (like in Mercurial where every repository is a complete backup of every other repository)?


Sorry for the newbie questions. I am just having a hard time visualizing this part of Plastic SCM.


Thanks for any insights you may have!

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You are right, from our documentation: ( http://plasticscm.com/guides/user/main.shtml#Chapter1:TheworldaccordingtoPlasticSCM )

Users don't access repositories directly, only the Plastic SCM server process does. That makes sense because a repository contains all the revisions of a particular file, but at any given moment, you want to work with just one revision (often, the most recently created one). Like many SCM systems, Plastic SCM handles this situation by maintaining one or more workspaces for each user. A workspace is just a directory tree on your computer, with a two-way data path to a repository.


Regarding the sync question, we have a good article explaining different workflows and how to deal with situations like yours: ( http://codicesoftware.blogspot.com/2010/12/dvcs-for-everyone.html )


After checking this information, if you have more questions, we will be happy to assist you :)




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