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File move operation captured as local delete + add, loosing history


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in certain cases, a local file move operation done in Visual Studio is interpreted as a delete + move in Plastic SCM. This happes usually when I use ReSharper to refactor something which in turn cause a file rename. Such as: rename class, move class to a different folder. It's very annoying that Plastic SCM can't handle such situations gracefully and detect the file has been moved / renamed.


Is there a way out this, such as upgrading to a newer version of Plastic? (Avoiding certain refactorings is not a viable option…) Note that I do have Plastic SCM installed into Visual Studio, and the solution has been added under version control.


Toolset: Plastic SCM Community Edition, VS 2012, ReSharper 7.1.3.




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Check if inside the Pending changes view search option you have enabled the "Local moved" option.


If the move is still detected as a "deleted + add" it's because the similarity is not enough and you have to match it manually right clicking in the add -> "Search matches"

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