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Query file contents


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Hi everybody. I'm starting to try Plastic out for the first time, so please bear with me.


First of all, congrats for your softwaer. For what I have seen so far it's very promissing.

Now one specific question, is there a way (command line or programmatic, not through GUI) in which to query file contents without checking out the actual files?


I have read the documentation, in particular the 'find' command one, but it seems that you are able to query the repository based on events on the lifecycle of the revisions/files, and on metadata (owners, commiters, etc.), not on the contents. I found an old thread in the forum (http://www.plasticscm.net/index.php?/topic/253-searching/?hl=%2Bfile+%2Bcontents#entry1091) where you talk about indexing, but could not fine any command related to it. I also checked the "query" command, but couldn't figure out a way.


Is there a way to do this?

Thanks in advance.




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To be a little more specific, an equivalent of git's "grep" command would suffice.


Also, could you point me towards the Java command-line client (or any documentation related to it) that you mention on your home page?

I couldn't find it in the downloads (zips or executables).

Thanks again

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,


Well, as Carlos pointed you can't use cm find, but you can use cm cat to show the content of the file and later run a grep or anything you need on that.


Does it help?

Probably you'll need slightly more scripting but what you're looking for is certainly achievable.

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