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Check in old version


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I started using PlasticsSCM months after I had started on a project.  I recently found some of the original code and I'm wondering if there's a way I can check in the old code as an old change-set.  Basically I want it to be the same as if I had the original code as the very first check-in then all the corresponding check-ins already in the database to be after that.


Is this possible?



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I don't this it's possible to insert some changeset.

Each checkin has a parent checkin (except the checkid 0) that plastic uses to determine the file revision.

If you dont want to loose the "history", you can create a child branch from a specific changeset and perform a checkin with the original source code.


Maybe you can even perform a merge from your current changeset (with all your new code) with this "history branch" and keep working from this merge.

But it really depends on your specific needs!

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If your changeset #0 is empty, then you could try branching from it, then define a new changeset on the new branch with your 'ancient' code and then cherry-pick the subsequent changesets from your original main branch on to the new one.


You'll have to either abandon the original main branch, or possibly delete the original changesets from your old main branch and rename the new branch, if that is possible.


The alternative is to export to Git, rebase and re-import to a new Plastic repository, but this is not for the faint-hearted - and if you know how to do this, you probably would have done this already :-).

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Sorry not possible from the regular command line....


But you can play with the following:


1) Create a branch from the #0 changeset or the changeset that should be the base code point.

2) Stop the server and backup the databases.

3) Identify the changeset and revisions generated with the new checkin inside the server databases, modify the date column in the object table for those objects using the date you want.



I can give you more details if you tell me your current database backend. Of course this procedure is not standard and I do do do do recommend you if you want to follow the steps to backup your dats first.

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