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Hi! We could really use shelving; we did not expect that functionality to be unavailable when using cloud. To clarify, we are using "centralized" workflow where everyone just points to the cloud. We did not see any advantage in having local repositories and adding a push/pull step, as the centralized workflow works well.

Is there any plan to bring such functionality to Plastic Cloud? It would be much appreciated!

Thank you!



We have tracked this request also from other customers. We initially designed the Plastic SCM Cloud to work as a pull/push service, more and more users demanded a centralized workflow with the rest of operations such us, checkin, create branch, update, switch...

The shelve operation didn't get much traction and was left in the backlog. I will share it again with the team.




Thank you; having that flexibility to go straight to Cloud instead of push/pull is something we appreciate as customers. Shelving seems to be the only major feature missing, it would be great to get that as it is very handy.

Thanks again,


  • 2 months later...

Being unable to shelving on the cloud was a major disappoint for us. We gave it for granted until the day we needed to use it and found out that it was not possible. Please add our upvote to this feature.


  • 5 months later...

Just want to chime in here to support this. Shelving is critical to using Plastic effectively, and if I were aware that it was not available in a centralized cloud setup, I would have chosen differently from the start.

  • 3 years later...

I have a plastic client installed on the jenkins agent and wanted to use the mergebot shelve but came across this issue, what I ended up doing was doing the "merge to a shelve" in the agent itselfe

this is the groovy sintax to do that

def shelveId = powershell(script: '''
    $branchName = ''' + "'${env.PLASTICSCM_MERGEBOT_BRANCH_NAME}'" + '''
    $mergeOutput = cm merge br:/$branchName --to=br:/main --merge --shelve
    $Pattern = 'sh:(.*?) '
    Write-Host $mergeOutput
    $shelveId = (([regex]::Matches($mergeOutput, $Pattern)).Groups | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq '1'}).Value
    return $shelveId
''', returnStdout: true).trim()

echo "Shelve ID: ${shelveId}" 
// Apply the shelve to the workspace
bat "cm shelveset apply sh:${shelveId}"

hope this helps anyone that come cross this 

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