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Selector (bug ?)


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I get an error message which I don't understand.

I've been moving some files around (about 40 sound files). I've tried checking in only the files that I modified, but I still get the issue.

I am a free user, working on a local workspace alone on my project

Any ideas ?





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The issue has happened when I tried to move some folders containing some sounds into another folder called "Sounds", so I had all my sounds in one folder.

I was able to solve it by copying the above mentioned moved folder into their previous place. A checkin was then possible without errors. After that, I removed the files and the folders and did a checkin after deleting the content of a folder or the folder itself, and I had no more issues.

I hope this helps you reproducing and fixing the issue. I love the tool and should start to use it for work soon (I use it at the moment for a hobby project)

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Do you have any steps to reproduce the issue? Is it easy to reproduce in your environment? 

We have been trying to reproduce moving multiple folders and deleting items but we can't reproduce it.

Are you using the Unity plugin or moving the folders via Windows explorer?



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I think I used both unity plugin (the project view) and windows explorer to move the files.

Under Resources/, I had 3 folders with sounds. I moved all folders under a single folder. I changed also some other files.

Then the check in gave the error message. When I copied all the sounds folders in their original places, the message disappeared and I was able to commit. Then I was able to delete the copied folders and check in without error messages.

I'll check if I can reproduce it to give you a more step by step approach with screenshots.



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