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lock.config - where do I put the file?


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Everywhere I can find that references lock.config says to put it "in the server folder". Which folder is that? Is it (in Windows) the Program Files/PlasticSCM5/server folder?


I tried putting lock.config there, restarting the service, then checking out a file, but after that "cm listlocks" shows nothing, and doing "cm fileinfo <file> --format={IsLocked}" returns False.


Also, do these Exclusive Checkout files show up as locked within Unity (ie, with the lock icon)?

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Yes, the "lock.conf" file should be stored at  "Program Files/PlasticSCM5/server".  


Could you post the "lock.conf" content to check if there is somewrong with the format?


Could you run "cm listlocks  server:port". I mean indicating the server and port explicitily to be sure about the server that is being queried.




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rep:default lockserver:localhost:8087

I've also tried the actual IP address rather than localhost, makes no difference:

rep:default lockserver:

(in this case, the server is running on the same computer as the clients, since I'm testing it out). Adding the server:port to cm listlocks didn't do anything, no message. Maybe the locks don't apply to files already in the repository? Another SCM I tried was like that, setting the flag only applied to new files added to the repository, not preexisting files.

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I´ve just tested it and the same "lock.conf" file is working in my test scenario. The lock system should work with all the files in the repository (not only the recently commited):


Things to review:


- Check that the server where you are running the checkout is "default".

- Check that the server port is 8087.

- After editing the "lock.conf",perform the checkout again and run the "cm listlocks" command again as well.

- Check that the file is actually "checked-out" and not locally "changed".


PD: You will find it useful: http://codicesoftware.blogspot.com/2013/02/unity.html




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Here's what I'm seeing, does anything look wrong? I made sure I didn't have files checked out, I shut down the Plastic service, edited lock.config, started the service back up, then checked out the files using the Plastic SCM app by right-clicking the file and choosing "Checkout" , then ran cm listlocks.




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