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PlasticSCMServer Sync Replication OSX 'El Capitan'


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I am trying to run a PlastiSCM server on my OSX 10.11 (El Capitan) Laptop which syncs per ssl to my work server.


Without ssl its no problem. When i try to access per ssl it shows an error in the sync replication view:

'Error: Only the server administrator can accept a certificate on the server'

at the same time the console logs:

21.10.15 23:52:21.489 sandboxd[28676]: ([39948]) macplastic(39948) System Policy: deny file-write-create /usr/share/.mono

maybe an problem with the rootless feature?

Or i'm not capable of putting the certificate at the right place under OSX ^^



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I'm not really sure if the rootless feature is going to be affecting this, the ssl certificate shouldn't be installed at "/usr/bin" or "/usr/sbin", the paths affected by the rootless feature.


Lets try this, the Plastic SCM server is trying to install the SSL certificate but it's not able to do it since your user (the one requesting the operation) is not the Plastic SCM admin user, notice it's not complying about the System (MacOS) administrator, it's complying about the Plastic SCM Admin/root user. Yes the error message is confusing.


So let's make your user the Repository Server Owner, that is the root Plastic SCM user.


Get your user name by running: 

cm whoami

Then use it for the following command.

cm setowner -user=john repserver:localhost:8087

Replace john with your real user name.


After doing it retry the operation.


If it keeps failing it's maybe because the Sync view is configured to work with the remote server as the local one, and you won't have root plastic scm permissions there for installing your certificate, try creating a new sync view in the opposite way, use the source server using the one you currently have as destination, and the same for the destination, use the one you currently have as source.



BTW, are you part of the Birdly team?????!!!!!! I saw it on tested and a lot of local blogs! It's really really cool! It has to be great to use it!

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Great! Happy to know it's working :)


Yes, this is something we would like to improve, right now it's kinda hacker:



launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.codicesoftware.plasticscm.server.plist



launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.codicesoftware.plasticscm.server.plist

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