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Setup PlasticSCM 4.0.239 with MSSQL 2008 R2 on Different Server


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Trying to setup PlasticSCM 4.0.239 to use our MSSQL Server. Installed PlasticSCM, didn't run any configurations.

Edited db.conf file:


Setup Plastic Service to run as an account that has full rights to our MSSQL database.

Getting the following erorr when trying to start PlasticSCM:

2012-02-14 14:29:08,945 (null) (null) INFO  Channel - 'sinklevel' compression mode set. all metadata will be serialized
2012-02-14 14:29:09,007 (null) (null) INFO  Channel - 'BufferPoolMax' is set to '10'. It sets the maximum number of available buffers for object data transfers
2012-02-14 14:29:09,007 (null) (null) INFO  Channel - 'SerializationObjectsAtSink' is set to 'True'. True means SerializationBase descendants are  directly written into the response buffer
2012-02-14 14:29:09,039 (null) (null) INFO  Channel - 'sinklevel' compression mode set. all metadata will be serialized
2012-02-14 14:29:09,039 (null) (null) INFO  Channel - 'BufferPoolMax' is set to '10'. It sets the maximum number of available buffers for object data transfers
2012-02-14 14:29:09,039 (null) (null) INFO  Channel - 'SerializationObjectsAtSink' is set to 'True'. True means SerializationBase descendants are  directly written into the response buffer
2012-02-14 14:29:09,039 (null) (null) INFO  Channel - Using certificate file ssl-certificate.pfx
2012-02-14 14:29:14,680 (null) (null) ERROR DataManager - Error trying to create the database repositories: Directory lookup for the file "D:\PlasticSCM\repositories.plastic" failed with the operating system error 2(The system cannot find the file specified.).
CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors.
2012-02-14 14:29:14,696 (null) (null) ERROR Codice.CM.Server.RepositoryHandler - The database {0} can't be created. Check the server log (plastic.server.log). Error: {1}    at Codice.CM.Data.BaseDataManager.ExecuteCreateDatabaseScript(String databaseName, String contentResourceName)
  at Codice.CM.Data.BaseDataManager.CreateRepositoriesData()
  at Codice.CM.Server.RepositoryHandler.InitService()
2012-02-14 14:29:14,712 2cbb7e88-43a1-4047-8c5e-1d378209610d Server:PERFORCE INFO  Transaction - Transaction timeout -> 120000ms
2012-02-14 14:29:14,727 2cbb7e88-43a1-4047-8c5e-1d378209610d Server:PERFORCE ERROR DataConnection - There was a problem in OpenConnection. Cannot open database "repositories" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'WHITEMOON\Plastic'. [repositories]

Their are no databases that ever get created on the MSSQL server. I also can't local a Repositories.plastic file anywhere.

Any help would be great!

Thank you.

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I was about to write a post about the same issue but I saw this one and figured I would add to it.

I'm trying to do something similar though it looks like it's exactly the same problem. I am trying to migrate an existing SQL CE database over to MSSQL 2005 Server on another machine.

When I run the admintool.exe and try to migrate I get exactly the same error.


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Yeah, I'm just trying to get it setup. Not trying to migrate or anything. Been working on it for hours and still can't figure the darn thing out. I've tried omitting the Database Path and changing it, but still unsuccessful. I've tried manually creating the "repositories" database in MSSQL and it gets farther, but still fails. The accout has full sysadmin rights on the MSSQL Server too.

Any help or pointers greatly appreciated! I've followed the KB http://www.plasticscm.com/infocenter/technical-articles/kb-how-to-configure-plastic-scm-with-sql-server.aspx to the tee and still fails. Do Plastic and MSSQL have to be on the same server?

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So here is how I finally was able to get this to work correctly.

1) Installed Plastic SCM on Server.

2) Ran Plastic Server Config and Started Plastic

3) Went to Services, stopped Plastic. Changed Logon Account to a Plastic Service Account that was created and granted rights in MSSQL Server.

4) Created directory "C:\PlasticSCM" on MSSQL Server (This is where PlasticSCM tells MSSQL to store the MSSQL DB Files)

5) Ran Admintool migration tool. Used Server=STATLER;trusted_connection=yes;DATABASE={0}; as connection string (STATLER being my MSSQL Server). Used "C:\PlasticSCM" for Database Path and "_PSCM" for Database Suffix (to help identify Plastic DBs from others).

After all this was completed and migration was successful, I was finally able to get the server started and running properly.

This is what my db.conf file looks like now:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DbConfig xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">

My only question is this, is there any performace issues for not running PlasticSCM and MSSQL on the same server?

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My only question is this, is there any performace issues for not running PlasticSCM and MSSQL on the same server?

I think the answer to this is the same as if you asked the question about any software, not just PlasticSCM. Yes there is some latency since you are accessing SQL Server over a network link, but hopefully they are on the same network at least. If they are, it's less latency than you might think and probably less than you could notice. If you run the SQL Server instance on a machine built by a DBA or built specifically for SQL databases chances are you could see performance gains on that machine in areas like disk reads and writes that could offset the latency as well.

Source control software, especially a new one like Plastic where working in a disconnected way is supported, should never be mission critical systems in reality. If they take a few extra milliseconds no one would most likely notice or be affected in any negative way.

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Hi malbelo,

keep in mind that you can set up the db.conf file to connect with the MS SQL server using the built-in Windows authentication or a certain user/password. It's the same as if you are connection to the MS SQL server management tool.

Your have all the details here: http://www.plasticscm.com/infocenter/technical-articles/kb-how-to-configure-plastic-scm-with-sql-server.aspx

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  • 1 year later...

For others having this problem on a new install and trying to use SQL Server from the beginning - try the following:


On your sql server box, create this directory:


C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM4\server\


After doing just this (and using an account in sql server that has ability to create a database), it seems the Plastic SCM initializes correctly.. For some reason the sql server needs this path on its own box, even though Plastic SCM is on another box.

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By default, Plastic tries to create the databases in the server folder (C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM4\server\).


If you are using a different box to install SQL Server, you will need to indicate a database path in the "C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM4\server\db.conf" file:


<ConnectionString>SERVER=localhost;User Id=sa;Pwd=xxxxx;DATABASE={0};</ConnectionString>




This way, you can select the folder where you store your databases.




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