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VS2010 + Plastic 4.1 VS Integration -> sporadic IDE hangs

Olaf Kober

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Since upgrading to Plastic 4.1 we experiencing sporadic hangs of Visual Studio 2010. Me and three colleagues working on two different projects have the same symptoms. You are in the middle of some work; typing, building, saving, committing in Visual Studio and suddenly the Visual Studio IDE hangs, showing “not responding”.

Everyone here has VS Plastic integration installed and both projects are bound to Plastic source control. Uninstalling the VS Plastic Integration solves the problem, so it must have something to do with Plastic SCM. Before 4.1 we never had the problem, thus it is very likely that something broke between 4.0 and 4.1. We observed the issue in both and

Above, I said “sporadic”, but sometimes it does happen every 5-15 minutes, especially when you save very often. We are not sure, but it seems that the hangs occur after saving files, or when starting a build, which automatically saves all files. Opening the pending changes view within VS seems to increase the likelihood of the next hang.

You can download mini-dumps of hung Visual Studio here: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/amarokfiles/devenv-minidumps.7z

Is there a way to enable logging output for the VS integration plugin?

Anybody else having the same problem?



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I have been noticing the exact same problem (in fact it's hung right now) in VS11 beta. I had previously written it off to VS11 being in beta, as well as R# 7 beta. But possibly it's related to Plastic?

Mine doesn't seem quite as frequent as yours, definitely not 5-15 minutes, but it does happen quite frequently.

Update - This almost always happens when I'm saving changes, usually by pressing Ctrl+S or Ctrl+Shift+s.

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A small update:

I was able to work trouble-free the entire morning by consequently committing changes via Plasic SCM standalone client. After opening the Pending Changes view integrated in VS once about 5 minutes later I had my next hang...

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One question guys.

When you are getting the hang you are editing the file (the item is still checked in) and then you save (ctrl+s)? Or the file is checked out and then you save it?

We have a hook when you are saving the file and it's still checked-in but not when the file is checked out.

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Yes, that's it!!

  • open a source file still checked-in
  • edit the source file
  • Hit Ctrl+S -> Bäng!

I tried it three times, every time I got a hung VS, but only if I opened pending changes view before.

I haven't tested this specifically, but this seems to be my general workflow as well. I don't usually explicitly check out files. In regards to Olaf's previous comments about using the GUI client rather than the VS client views, I almost always use the GUI client, I don't open up the VS panes very often.

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One question about this, can you confirm me that it's working fine without the pending changes view opened?

How many files do you have inside your workspace/solution?

No, I never (or very rarely) have the pending changes view opened inside the IDE. Although it is possible at times that it's open in the GUI client (but I'm sure it's not 100% of the time). I've had it happen with just a few files open, and I've had it happen with lots of files open. Anecdotally, yesterday when it was happening quite a bit, I had several files open in an external window that was floating on a separate monitor. I can't say that's always the case though.

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Yes, I confirm that. When I open and close either the Pending Changes view, the Branches view or the Branch Explorer (I didn't tried other views), then open and change a still checked-in file and save it, I got the hang. It's no longer sporadic, it is reproducible. On the other side, as mentioned above, I was able to work without hangs yesterday by avoiding Plastic's integrated views.

Our workspace contains about 5000 files, the other project has about 3000 files.

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This issue seems to be ugly, so I'm going to take a look right now. I'll come back you when I have more information.

Thanks for your feedback. I you could give any further information that could help me to find the bug, please, write down it here.

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Hmm... I have to disprove my statement from above. Today I experienced VS hangs even though I did not open any of the Plastic views. This is a little bit strange. Yesterday I was coding a lot. Today I do a lot UI stuff, opening WPF XAML files and so on. Having VS and Expression Blend open at the same time, switching between them; had VS hang now and then.

I'm not sure with this, but after disabling the options "Compare file contents instead of timestamps when determining "Changed" status" and "Update operations set repository timestamps on files" hangs occurred less frequent...?!

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Hi, I think the problem is solved.

I detected a cross thread access exception debugging the VS plugin when checking out files (saving from VS). This exception is not visible on release, but the behavior of the application could be unpredictable. I tried to reproduce it in a release environment, but I was unable to completely hang VS, but I noticed a significant delay when saving files (4-5 seconds). Then I fixed the cross thread access exception and successfully tested again in the release environment.

The fix is ready. It will included in the next public Plastic SCM release, that will be published along this week (in two or three days). Please, check the Web and the release notes to get it.

Thanks for your feedback. Best regards, Daniel

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've downloaded the latest version, and it seems to be nearly eliminated, but not completely gone. It just hung on me for the first time since I downloaded the latest version (about a week?). Again, though, I'm using VS11 so it's hard to tell if it's directly related to Plastic or if it's a VS11 Beta thing. But in the case of this hang, it's the same circumstances, I hit CTRL+S on a file which was controlled and previously unchanged (so it would be doing an implicit checkout?).

Maybe Olaf could also chime in as to whether the problem seems fixed for him.

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I hate to say that, but the newest version does not solve the problem. Saving an edited source file under source control (but not checked out or changed) still hang Visual Studio.

I did some additional testing on my workstation and also on a clean virtual machine with just VS2010 + SP1 + Plastic.

Neither CodeRush nor Resharper seem to have bad influence on this.

It does not happen on any project. For example, a new repository with a new solution containing a single WPF project does not show the problem. One of our smaller projects with about 300 files, 80 folders does not show the problem too. But, I was able to reproduce the behavior on the clean VM with three bigger projects (2500-8000 files and 700-1100 folders). Hmmm... CodingGorilla, how many files do you have in your solution/workspace?

@Codice: I can send you (per e-mail) one of these projects. I copied the source files to my VM, added them to a new repository and was still able to hang VS.

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