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Todd A

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  1. Is there any update on this topic? We have interest in being able to use/switch to SAML for our central on prem Plastic SCM server.
  2. Just to add to others, We also have multiple people that have reported this problem. Always it is when using the new GUI. Only solution is to have them switch to legacy gui and then they no longer see the problem.
  3. Hey guys, I just had a team run into this problem. They deleted private files not thru os but thru client and now have no chance to retrieve the deleted files. This issue may not come up often, but is very bad when it does occur. So yes the probability of the risk here is low, but the consequence when the risk becomes a problem is huge. Consequence of not having a feature (when it is a "saftey of my data" feature like this) needs to be taken into consideration not just how often it would be used. This should be provided as a feature (or at least option) to move "deleted" files to some sort of "moved" folder in the WS (in the .plastic dir?), or ?? You already sort of do this today when someone "deleted" a WS, you do not actually delete the dir/files of the WS. Why is that? I would supposed for this same reason (to "protect" private or not yet checked in files). Went looking for a suggestion to vote for, but the only ones I found were closed.
  4. I also agree with the placement of switch being at an odd an un-obvious place. It is os much so that for the first few mins I thought you had not even implemented the feature yet (till I finally found it "hidden" at the bottom).
  5. Mine also not a "clean install" (assuming you mean no other client ever installed and not also running current gui). As with the other report, this is my daily system.
  6. In workspace explorer, I would like to be able to search by type, not just name. Really good example, I'd like to be able to search for all xlinks in WS.
  7. With plasticfs running, option to make WS dynamic does not appear (I know, this feature is also not yet released).
  8. title says it all. This has been missing from ANY gui for many years.
  9. Would love to be able to do some (all?) find commands via the gui.
  10. Would like to be able to re-order columns (e.g. "Branches" view, repo list, and similar) and also be able to add other attributes as columns, or remove attributes I don't want to see.
  11. Filter box (e.g. on repo list screen) is very short and thus rarely displays entirely what I am filtering for. Would like to see default size made bigger (certainly more than 10, say at least 30-50), or size grows as you type.
  12. Just some very quick first impressions... Seems to take as a starting point the linux client which means that right away somethings are missing such as I miss the WS selection (previously opened) selection list and switch is "hidden" at the bottom of the screen. No way (thru the gui) to setup Jira integration Since we are re-doing how about longer "filter" boxes (e.g. repo list) so I have at least a fighting chance to see the entire string I'm searching for (our repo names tend to get a little long, certainly longer than the 10 or so characters we are given.) I'll add more under feature requests later. And I already have a bug that is not allowing me to bring up Branch Explorer
  13. My impressions and thoughts for first look... A general comment: With wide screen monitors, horizontal space is easier to give up than vertical space. Vertical space is a premium. Please keep that in mind when adding things to the vertical space. Using more space for the headings and tabs allows you to put more info there, but takes away from the precious limited vertical space for the main part of the screen. At least having an option to put this on the left hand side vs top could be nice. I understand wanting to make the gui more accessible for new users. But you need to also not leave users that are used to the system. Ability to control the interface, to a degree, can be useful in this (e.g. minimal view, vs more info view). I can already see some operation I do taking more click in the new interface than in the old. One thing I do (admittedly more in tool admin role than as a developer) is open up the list of repo, then view a repo (e.g. branch explore a repo w/o a WS). It looks like now I have to first click to create a new tab, then select repo list. I assume the rest of my operation would be the same from there, but still at least one more click. It would be good to have the GUIs more similar across the platforms (for us, esp Windows and Linux). But my first priority would be making features available in one gui available in all. While I could see this consolidating effort a step in that direction, I hope we do not take a step back and see features go missing (e.g that are already in the windows gui today). I would REALLY like to see some missing functions added to the gui as more important than a gui re-design. How long have we now had the ability to create xlinks to a path in a repo, but still have to create it only using the CLI? That (and any other missing functions) need to be added to the gui. I could see more customization of the gui, esp for experienced users. Say, being able to have a custom left hand "new tab" buttons on the left hand side (hidden and empty when you first install the client?) I could also see more customization to right click menu options for experienced users (not only for tabs for for other contexts). Thanks, Todd
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